What Inspires?

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Some days I wonder what inspires you? I mean what get’s you going, keeps you going? Maybe it’s a who, a what, a why. Inspiration. Source. Fuel. Encouragement.

Today walking along the Atlantic Coastline in Florida I watched as a gentleman and his 2 steel crutches made their way to the waters edge, without so much as a flinch the man and crutches splashed into the waves and slowly but surely four legs, two steel, two human carried this one inspiring man into the ocean.

Just as his upper thighs were hid from view, below the salty sea water my inspiration turned South. Reaching he placed his two steel crutches in the water and pulled his legs even, again, again, step by four steps he moved away from me.

What inspires me?

Human beings. They inspire me every day.

Thank you, my inspiring new friend for reminding me; that all that separates me from what I love is merely a false barrier I’ve constructed, a story that keeps me from experiencing life at it’s fullest.

Oh what inspires you?

Pam Hoelzle

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