
Words equal Culture

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Words Equal Culture Words Are ‘principal carriers of meaning,’ powerful beyond comprehension. Building blocks. Tools of expression. Significance filters. Words matter. They always have and now amidst a globally connected web community, they matter more; if that’s possible. Culture A culture is the cumulative beliefs and behaviors, the personality and characteristics of a particular community, […]

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Social Language: Healing the Great Divide?

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Social Language:The body of words, systems, terms, symbols, gestures, phrases and tools used to communicate thought, emotion and meaning in the on line world and community.


Yesterday I posted a statement on FaceBook, “Brand is just the gut feeling others have about your business.” A few minutes later my sister who is a few years younger than me clicked thumbs up, she liked my status update A few hours later my 20 year old daughter, Rosie posted her thoughts and albeit she was three states away in her dorm room at Denver University, make no doubt…

I heard her loud and clear.”BRANDING IS STUPID!” her response roared.

Language it’s extremely social these days… Read the rest