The Art of Self Forgetting

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Day 2 - Photographer self-portraitPhoto by By Mourner

The Art of Self Forgetting

Some days it seems as if I can’t get away from the mirror in front of me, the reflection of my life, results, outcomes and challenges. On these days I am blinded by; me; me, me, me.

Perspective fades.

Reality blurs.

When I’m self absorbed and concerned I become altogether self focused. And funny thing about this condition of mine, it appears I am not alone in my suffering.

Just last week I sat through a meeting with a founder so obsessed with himself and his corporate brand he was oblivious to the impact of his words on others, just yesterday I worked with an online company so in love with their own reputation they aren’t willing to listen to feedback that differs from their jaded reality

Some talk about the anti-christ. I’ve never met him, unless he’s the guy who keeps buying ice cream and putting it in my non-dairy, non fat, non-junk food freezer…

I think the enemy. Might just be within. Self.

A few things I’ve learned in my practice of self forgetting and losing myself…

Bathroom scalephoto by Magnus D

When I’m measuring my performance I’m not available for what’s in front of me, here; now.

Kuta Beach Peoplephoto by By ^riza^

When self pre-occupation dies theres room for others.


Losing myself is the simplest solution to finding life and peace.

Lovephoto by By Noël Zia Lee

Forgetting myself is easier when I acknowledge I am loved, lovable and altogether human and imperfect and serve a God who is capable.

I don’t know how it happened but I am thankful I am a full devotee of the art of forgetting myself. I want to lose myself and in so doing find you, love, truth.

Onward world changer

More about my work here

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