Business Choices: Life Choices
To choose is to make a decision, to cut off possibilities.
Like the little boy in the pumpkin patch sometimes choices are mesmerizing, the options overwhelming. If you are anything like me,a variety freak, choosing sometimes feels like self mutiliation; painful.
Sometimes I find myself fearful of decisions, of choices fearful I am going to make the wrong one, journey down the wrong path ( again) or worse yet miss out on something…later because I made this choice.
Fear…sometimes it makes choosing difficult, huh?
Sometimes our inability to choose leaves us stranded in the intersection of life, looking both ways paralyzed, afraid of moving right or left.
As a leader I've tried to make choices for others, as a Mother I've agonized over choices.
As a respector of the individual, a woman raised by a mother who treated everyone with honor and dignity and taught me that choice is an in innate right breathed into us by our creator, I've come to believe to choose is human, it's freedom and totally in sync with the God I believe in; the one that liberally pours out free will and choice.
You really are choosing even when you don't- aren't you?
Life is like a pumpkin patch absolutely packed with an incredible array of choices…. each one offering new, mysterious consequences, journey's, people….
Choice matters.
What are you choosing?
Stuck, indecisive?
What are you afraid of…come on make a choice, cut off possibiliites – throw yourself in a direction and stay open to the miracles that come your way.
Choose because it's your life…cut off that which is not you and go ahead ...
Because choices matter.
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