Get Real: You can design & grow a profitable and purposeful life and business!
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Get Real: Get a life that matters to you & grow a profitable business. Bellevue Professional Business Women Luncheon April 21, 2010
You can do it. You were born to do it. This is your one incredible life. Show up in your own show. Get real- clear and take action. Here’s my overview from today’s Bellevue Professional Women luncheon. At the luncheon I will share how I learned to Get Real and show up in my own show and how that has led to the Reality Check. Do you need a reality check? I know that I do. I’ve been learning how to get real and get clear on what I want and how to design it for 20 years now . My desire is to do what I believe in – to control what I invest in and how I do it and to do that by designing profitable businesses that give my life meaning and purpose- that are congruent with who I really am and what I really believe. Be you. Take back control. Design your future. Innovate, reinvent, create, design- become!
This is your one incredible life- live it- !
Pam Hoelzle
425 218 5864
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