If your hands are too full- you can’t take hold of something new…
If your schedule is too full, your commitments overflowing; it’s hard to experience something new. If you are holding on to past successes instead of creating new one’s it may be that life and business is too full of the wrong stuff.
Decide what’s keeping you from that which is awaiting you.
A part of life is allowing things to end. Finishing, completing and moving on. When we hold onto tactics, business models, ways of relating and being that are more about who we use to be, not who we and our business are today we unconsciously tie ourselves to what was and limit what may be.
Unleash yourself.
Let go of that which is ‘too much’ ‘dead leaves,’ dump the clutter of yesterday.
And remember if your hands are full- it’s hard to take hold of, or create something new.
Pam Hoelzle
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