Leadership: A Social Conversation

Leadership A Social Conversation: Pam Hoelzle, Umair Haque, Diane Wagner, Ethan Yarbrough & Adam Olsen February 15, 2010
i apologize the audio connection between the radio studio located in Bellevue WA and Umair who was in london was less than ideal. I am working to orchestrate another opportunity for an interview, perhaps we can talk Umair into sharing his thoughts on leadership March 10 when we USTREAM and twitter moderate the next leadership social conversation.
Here is the MP3 of the conversation. If you would like to see the online comments. Use twitter search and search @pamhoelzle or #LEADCHANGE
Thanks to all of you for engaging- here's to doing some good…building, creating, innovating and ultimately using our lives to CREATE value; good for others.
Umair writes for Harvard Business Review, is Director of the Havas Media Lab and founded
Bubblegeneration, an agenda-setting advisory boutique that shaped
strategies across media and consumer industries.
I found Umair on twitter and ever since I've developed an affinity for his thinking. Talk about outside of the box; no matter what side of the tracks you lean toward Umair will have you asking new questions and considering revolutionary thoughts. I especially like his commitment to GOOD. I believe that every leader should be following him and listening to him and make sure and read his ideas on moving from great to GOOD!
Diane Wagner.
Diane is a director at Microsoft and was awarded The Outstanding Manager For Women Award in 2007. She earned the award for being a dynamic leader,
inspiring her team, running the massive international content business for
Office in an efficient, innovative, and collaborative way.
Adam Olsen from Rococo Coffee and Tea joined me in the studio And Ethan Yarbrough, President of Allyis invited everyone to join us for Bridging The Leadership Gap, a social leadership conversation that will take place on March 10; 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM PST
And finally- I want to hear from you.
What's your definition of leadership? The hardest part for you? Your best advice- put your comments here- – I'll share the results with everyone who participates
Photo credit: Leadership, originally uploaded by somebody_.
Great show. Well done. You are a very good radio host and an excellent interviewer.