Startup Tip #2: Market Validation vs Proof Of Concept
OF course it has to work. The new question is do you have market validation? Are there willing buyers prior to launch? What’s the proof? Do you have contracts? Letters of intent? Can you develop it strategically in unison with another player? Did you do the alpha inside of a potential client who will place the first order and whose order you will have before committing loads of cash. Minimizing risk and maximizing success has a lot to do with validating the market for your specific recipe of solutions before you spend a billion dollars, a billion hours or ask the rest of us to pony up and give you money. I know I’ve made the market validation error. I won’t be making it again- will you? Whose the market- have they validated your startup? Do you have clients in the wings? As a part of the launch team? Photo in creative commons flickr
Pam Hoelzle
Call me to grow your startup, grow your dreams 425 218 5864
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