The 3- H’s Of Engagement: Heads, Hearts & Hands
The Art of Engaging Hearts, Hands and Heads Photo credit Below I posted a question to twitter yesterday asking what common mistakes are made by leaders and supervisors. One of the respondents was from @anthonystevens, “Typical management blunders include, Micromanagement, misplaced priorities, treating people as interchangeable “things”. After reading Anthony’s answer I perused his blog […]
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Are you a premature chunker? Key’s to less conflict
It’s been my experience that most conflict is simply a matter of conflicting rules and beliefs. It’s also been my experience that those who prematurely (premature is rarely optimal in any endeavor) chunk down to the details and minutia (magnify the differences) create and experience more conflict. Individuals who habitually magnify the differences between themselves and […]
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“How Are You? No; REALLY… How Are You?”
How Are You? Really? Last night I was at the Edmonds-Woodway commencement services. One of the student speakers, Anne Yoon shared her personal story of struggling with anorexia. During her speech she challenged her fellow classmates to press into knowing each other. She told her fellow classmates that many times she answered their question of, […]
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Online & In Real Life: Finding Harmony
What’s your take on harmonizing In real life and on-line? For most of my life I have developed relationships, communicated, come to know and be known, in person and over the phone. Over the past couple years the tools available to communicate, relate, engage and connect with others have exploded. Increasingly I find myself writing […]
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Talking is not Relating; Get Over Yourself…( Pam)
If you don't stand for something you're likely to fall for anything."Is the line to a country song that speaks to this whole idea that is spinning around my head right now. You see I mostly write about that which I want to understand and am still curious about and learning. So this morning after my gratitude list I reminded […]
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Don’t Talk: Engage Conversations
In junior high someone named me fog horn. I know I shouldn't admit this. But its all about transparency and authenticity right? I was loud; with a capital L. I've been an athlete most of my life and most of my school years I walked away with the Most Inspirational award, or was it loudest sport-cheerleader? […]
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