
Your Words Mean Little When Your Actions Are Screaming So Loudly: Personal Integrity

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It really doesn’t matter what BP say’s does, it? The truth is seeping onto our shores and killing our wildlife. The other day I posted the statement, ‘Your words mean little when your actions are screaming so loudly” on Facebook and was surprised by the amount of responses. It struck a chord with my friends. […]

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Promotion died: Meet Engaged Tribal Storytelling


Promotion Died. Meet Engaged Tribal Storytelling Web 2.0, Asia, automation, a global financial crisis & consumer skeptism have fueledthe death of old school advertising and promotion.With three screens; television, computer and mobile today’s consumers areempowered publishers, editors, contributors and collaborators. Individuals are advertising. Web 2.0 enables individuals to connect, share, create, design and […]

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