The Rise of a New Dawn

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IMG_1072, originally uploaded by pamhoelzle.

It's inaguration day.

It's sunrise in Sayulita Mexico.

It's the dawning of a new day; the dawning of possibility. Surrounded by the roar of the ocean, the ravenous Pelicans, the silky sand , in Mexico I am reminded of how quickly paradigms shift, opportunities unveil themselves and the potential of each new dawn.

The hope of an Obama presidency is now moments from becoming reality. It is the rise of a new paradigm, a shift not only in the United States but a shift in consciousness for the entire world. In Mexico this week, numerous locals have expressed hope for a 'new' America.

Inspired by Barack, I sit here on the verenda; pondering all 'my inaguration days' you see inaguration day is also my birthday. This inaguration day is also the dawning of my 46th year and as I contemplate the changes on the horizon I am grateful; grateful for the opportunity to experience this new dawn that is on my personal horizon…

I'm going to take a long walk on the beach, now; while the festivities in Washington D.C. are taking place. I'm going to be setting my intention for this new year and praying for our new leader. My prayer for Obama is that he remains safe, filled with wisdom, purposeful in his diplomacy, consistent in his kindness, diligent and effective at galvanizing our nation to new actions, new ways of being.

Happy Inaguration Day; It's the rise of a new dawn…


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