Whatmapping for 2010

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WHATmap 2010: The visual map of the Key "Whats" for 2010

One of the tools I love to use are mindmaps. I grabbed this one from Flickr because it's unlike most of the ones I make; with a central circle and arms radiating out to more circles, each with their own arms.

Storymapping. Since my conversion to engaged tribal storytelling I've realized that most companies do not have a mindmap of the words they want to be found around, the phrases, mantras, the words of the conversations they want to listen to and engage in and many have not mindmapped their story…Stortelling is an art, to get better use storymaps; to help you see the elements. Communication platforms are complicated; use wordmaps to see the elements and the gestalt.

 A picture tells a thousand words. A picture of words and symbols well it's invaluable in clarifying the elements, individual pieces of the whole.  And  stories, well they are designed with the human mind in mind, we are wired to store and connect stories.  Search is driven by…. words and as we get increasingly sophisticated with our filtering devices each of us will continue to fine tune the 'words' we engage with, listen to, search, follow as they lead us to those we want to find; the products, people and tribes that share our affinities, values, passions, wants and needs…places where solutions and value lie for us…based on WHAT…we've decided is important.

SO what is a whatmap you ask? Well, to be honest I just coined this term as I was sitting here thinking about preparing to set my intentions, clarify my goals, what I plan on investing my time, talent and resources into in 2010.

I hope you join me for the conversation; 2010 What matters now; say hello, wave goodbye! Monday Dec 21 at 8 am pst.

I am sitting here with a piece of paper out in the middle is a circle titled my life in 2010. Radiating out are numerous arms at the end of each a WHAT circle. Each what circle has little lines, arms radiating from it.  Whatmapping, it's how I'm looking at what matters now….

So the question I'm asking: is what matters now?  Here as the final days of 2009 pass and I prepare to ring in the new year, the new decade.

So What now?

What do I want to invest in, attend to, focus on, apply myself to… this next year and WHAT are the WHATS of my business?

What, it matters; and it's different for each of us.

What matters to you?  Make a whatmap. Fill in the circles and tomorrow I"ll share all about the arms that radiate out  from each WHAT circle; success markers…the evidence that witnesses to the fact the what was obtained, achieved.

Now, excuse me I've got to go make my list of what, I want to say hello to and what I want to wave goodbye to…

and muse about what that means for WHAT I invest in 2010.…so I can make my WHATMap

Whatmaps, I think they go best with red, perhaps Merlot? Chow.


mindmap, originally uploaded by vaXzine.


Pam Hoelzle

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