
Perspective…ective; what’s your’s?

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Change. Innovation. Growth. Adventure. What if it's nothing more than considering things from a slightly different perspective? Developing a little different story about how things work…? Thankfully there is not one PERSPECTIVE. NO one has 'the' perspective. We each have 'A,' 'OUR' perspectives. The state of our own ideas, the facts as we've come to […]

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Leadership: A Social Conversation

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Leadership A Social Conversation: Pam Hoelzle, Umair Haque, Diane Wagner, Ethan Yarbrough & Adam Olsen February 15, 2010 i apologize the audio connection between the radio studio located in Bellevue WA and Umair who was in london was less than ideal. I am working to orchestrate another opportunity for an interview, perhaps we can talk […]

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