Embracing what I don’t know in an attempt to discover what I do…Know
I’m sitting here preparing to be on a panel for Crave Business Tomorrow in Seattle. The best way for me to get clear, to prepare to talk; is to write. Weird; I know, but true. The next best way for me to guarantee I’m clear is to; get real. I don’t know about you, but […]
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Pay What You Can Afford….Guerilla Marketing at it’s best…
I went out last night, in my hometown; the sleepy waterfront senior citizen mecca; Edmonds Washington. In the heart of downtown I met a client at The Loft, a pricey new gathering space in Edmonds. On my way into the intimate bar I noticed a banner across the street announcing "Pay What You Can Afford." It […]
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In this economic climate; team matters more than ever!
Team Matters…because "WITH" is a powerful thing. Jim Collins in “Good To Great” reminds us “first who” then “where.” The team you surround yourself with is…. one of the most important decisions you will make in life and in business. People matter. With the right people “on the bus” Collins reminds us; we can go […]
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Seattle business consulting, consultants, consultant or coach; What the heck are you?
People ask me all the time, "What do you do and do you do it just in Seattle? Are you a consultant specializing in business consulting or are you a business coach; and if so what’s the difference?" Business Consulting. Business Coach. Business Consultant. Mostly I am team. I team with entrepreneurs, founders and their […]
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When Wall Street is Crumbling and Iceland’s Melting you have a choice; Hedgehog or Fox?
"The fox knows many things…but the hedgehog knows one "BIG" thing." Isaiah Berlin. Jim Collins termed the hedgehog concept in his bestseller, "Good To Great." He drew a picture around the Greek parable of a crazy fox chasing after every thing it smelled, contrasted to the deliberate, intentional and focused hedgehog; who knows one thing […]
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Blue Ocean, Red Ocean…find a new way to grow!
Harvard Business School’s Blue Ocean Strategies is a basic primer in learning to see unrealized opportunities. I use Harvard Business School’s Blue Ocean process to evaluate every business model that comes across my desk and with every team I chose to work with. I do this for one reason; I don’t like head banging cement! […]
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False Expressions Appearing Real: Don’t run; Attack!
In the current economic climate I find Business owners, entrepreneurs and investors jittery; 6 shot latte jittery. It’s a changing world and those of us responsible for growing ventures, increasing top line and bottom lines are getting less sleep. My advice is don’t let fear get the best of you. Don’t turn and run, don’t […]
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Dream Team; Do you have one?
The Teaming Process Jim Collins in “Good To Great” reminds us “first who” then “where.” The team you surround yourself with is…. one of the most important decisions you will make in life and in business. People matter. With the right people “on the bus” Collins reminds us; we can go anywhere. I am a […]
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Where is God? When Wall Street’s burning, Europe’s railing and Iceland’s melting?
Funny, I’ve been doing this thing called “life” for over forty-five years now and I have to admit I keep doing the same things; expecting something new. Someone, famous, I can’t remember who, said this is the definition of insanity so I guess its official; I’m insane. The thing I keep doing and expecting to […]
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Start-up A Process
The Start Up Process; Ideation to Launch Phase One: Discovery and Vision It’s the phase where we determine what you want to do, where the aha occurs, the light comes on it’s the big idea; the business, the organization you want to create… What is the Problem/Opportunity you are curious about? What is your innovative, […]
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