When ‘Your’ story transforms ‘My’ story; Charity Water, Eastlake Community Church
Charity Water, Eastlake Community Church; When ‘YOUR’ story transforms ‘MY’ story
(Video- Scott Harrison- speaking at Eastlake Community Church about Charity Water and Eastlake’s Drinks for Drinks benefit and partnership)
Integrity. You won’t find Charity Water pushing books …they are committed to one thing- WATER. And you won’t find Eastlake watering down their message; they may be cool and hip but they love JESUS, this is not another coffee shop or sushi bar. Both Charity and Eastlake get that you can’t be everything or you will be nothing. As the country song say’s, “If you don’t stand for something, you will fall for everything.” Be who you are, lose the rest.
And finally, I must find evidence that you are what you purport to be, say you are. (Charity Water uses video and gps photos and maps to confirm each well is in fact built.)
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