
What’s the secret to start up success?

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Now that’s a loaded question isn’t it? Kind of like, “What’s the secret to finding my soul mate, living my vision and getting my teenagers to like me…?” Sitting face to face with a life time career person, new entrepreneur I thought carefully before answering the question , “What’s the secret, how do I know […]

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Make the Ask

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Making the Ask One of my current clients businesses is in an industry that has suffered devastating blowsover the past 24 months. Funny, but it seems everywhere I go entrepreneurs and leaders want’s answers…. I want to ask questions. My question is often; what is the question(s)? What are you asking? Who are you talking to? […]

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Failure or Success: You Decide


I often talk about the front side and the back side of an entrepreneur's resume/bio. The back side of your life, resume is the side most of us are least comfortable letting other people see or know. Most of us spend our life presenting the 'front side,' our best side, the successes and home runs of […]

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Show Me The PROBLEM!

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Do you love problems? Do you love to turn problems into enterprises or new businesses? If so you are a most likely a problemeur. ( yes another new word for you!)  You love problems and you know that Jerry McQuire was wrong; it isn't show me the money ( well not first anyways) it's show me the problem, […]

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