
Addicted to More? When is ‘less’ More?

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They had been in business for years. Over the years life sped up. They were insanely busy. Meetings, flights, project due dates. The work was exhilarating, it put them in the zone. They loved it and now they were starting to hate it. It had taken over their lives. It was their life. “We’ve got […]

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What are your favorite words?

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How Can I Help? What if I seek to understand more than to be understood? What if I show up in every encounter intent to help, serve and add value and meaning? What if I take my favorite words, “How can I help?” And make them a soulful mantra I commit to living by? How […]

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How are you investing your time?

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Time is a scarce resource. In my earlier years I always believed money was the scarcest of resources and the resource most worthy of my time. Reality is that you and I have several life currencies, resources from our physical and mental health to our finances, assets, experiences, relationships and time. The average 40 hour […]

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