Predator to Peacemaker: Ex-Gang Member to Social Entrepreneur
LA Gang Tour is a non-profit organization founded by ex-gang member, community/ gang interventionist and social entrepreneur ALfred Lomas.
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Breakdown or Breakthrough? 30 second video inspiration
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Smoldering? So What to Do?
Smoldering. So what to do? Allow it to continue, see what happens. Give it more oxygen, time space? Add gas? Douse it? What’s smoldering and what are you going to do about it?
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30 Second Video-Inspiration: One Step At A Time
Quality, experience is a moment by moment thing. Chunk down when things seem too large, overwhelming or complex. Get in the still, small second. Bit, by bit progress is made. One step at a time.
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Flexibility: videothought for Jan 25
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Flexibility & the ‘There, There’
In a recent conversation with Ethan Yarbrough from Allyis and Patti Dobrowloski from Up Your Creative Genius I stumbled upon a new term; ‘there, there.’
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Park IT; Videothought for Jan 24
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Attention: Videothought for Jan 23; 23 seconds
Some kind of excerpt need to be populated for this post. Without it, the post is empty. Don’t forget the excerpt- if you do, kittens will be punished.
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There or Here: Videothought for Jan 22 ; 22 seconds
Some kind of excerpt need to be populated for this post. Without it, the post is empty. Don’t forget the excerpt- if you do, kittens will be punished.
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