It’s Not Your Mother’s Marketing; Can you say Marketing Revolution?
With over 1.6 billion people online marketing has forever changed. Can you say Revolution? Over the course of the next 15 weeks I will be teaching an Integrated Marketing Communications class at Northwest College. I’ve decided to post my class curriculum or most of it here on my blog every Friday through December. Comment, add […]
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Giving An A: From Measurement and Scarcity to Possibility and Abundance
GIVING THE A “In every block of marble I see a statue as plain as though it stood before me, shaped and perfect in attitude and action. I have only to hew away the rough walls that imprison the lovely apparition to reveal it to the other eyes as mine see it.” Michelangelo ‘Giving an […]
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Pride Sunk The Titanic, What Might it be Doing To your Life?
Pride sank the Titanic; What might it be doing to your life? James Cameron director of the highly acclaimed Titanic movie that garnered 11 academy awards and remains to this day the highest grossing movie ever described the Titanic story, “It could not have been written better . . . the juxtaposition of rich and […]
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The Seattle Space Needle Doesn’t Always Look Like This; Perspective 30 second video inspiration
The Seattle Space Needle viewed from the shores of West Seattle A lesson in perspective. What might a change in perspective offer you? Perspective….it matters Pam Hoelzle Seattle Business Coach 425 218 5864
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Are you a premature chunker? Key’s to less conflict
It’s been my experience that most conflict is simply a matter of conflicting rules and beliefs. It’s also been my experience that those who prematurely (premature is rarely optimal in any endeavor) chunk down to the details and minutia (magnify the differences) create and experience more conflict. Individuals who habitually magnify the differences between themselves and […]
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Went out for Coffee; Came back with a Miracle
Yesterday was my first day back from vacation. To ease back into real life I started my day with a walk to Caffe Ladro in Kirkland, ordered my grande, triple shot, rice latte and headed for the stairs. Yes. The stairs. I go there when I need a heart raising workout. And I always go there […]
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What’s the secret to start up success?
Now that’s a loaded question isn’t it? Kind of like, “What’s the secret to finding my soul mate, living my vision and getting my teenagers to like me…?” Sitting face to face with a life time career person, new entrepreneur I thought carefully before answering the question , “What’s the secret, how do I know […]
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Why. What is your compelling why?
Why? What is the compelling WHY behind WHAT you do? I use to think ‘WHAT’ was the most important question I could ask myself. I use to think WHAT mattered more than WHY. Now, I believe WHY I’m doing something is as important if not more so than WHAT I’m doing. And it’s even more […]
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Engagement Old Spice Style, “Man Your Man Could Smell Like.”
The Man Your Man Could Smell Like: Old Spice. Old spice get’s engagement. Not only did they launch a campaign that captured over 75% of the conversations in the category they folowed up by asking, “How can we engage more?” They answered with 186 video responses to the conversations the “Man Your Man Could Smell […]
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Ever Been Pissed At God?
I was at the Drinks For Drinks Benefit with Herding Cats tonight for Charity Water and all I could think about was the question, “Have you ever been pissed At God?” I know weird. Here I am at one of the most inspiring events I’ve ever been to and I’m thinking about how easy it […]
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