The Art of Creating, Re-creating and Re-inventing…
Creating, Reinventing, Re-creating; we were made for it. The urge to create, build, imagine, design. Today, January 18th at 8am PST I facilitated a social conversation titled,”The art of creating change” online at twitter and streaming on itunes and at Chat With Women with guest co-hosts Ethan Yarbrough from Allyis and Patti Dobrowolski from Get […]
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“Your Baby Is Not Beautiful” And other startup advice
photo fishermansdaughter “Your babies not beautiful” and other startup advice…. The other day I hosted an entrepreneur chat led by Todd Dean who is now CEO of Brace Audio. Todd has a resume full of entrepreneurial pursuits, the most recent being founder of Keiretsu Forum, an angel investor forum based in the northwest. I invited […]
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A conversation: Change, Reinvention and Creating What You Want
The only thing that stays the same in life and business is change. The other day I received an email from a woman who needed to cancel a meeting, in the email she said, “ I will no longer be doing this, it appears I need to reinvent myself AGAIN, this is getting exhausting.” If you […]
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Make the Ask
Making the Ask One of my current clients businesses is in an industry that has suffered devastating blowsover the past 24 months. Funny, but it seems everywhere I go entrepreneurs and leaders want’s answers…. I want to ask questions. My question is often; what is the question(s)? What are you asking? Who are you talking to? […]
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When the ‘sky’ is falling & the earth shaking; Inspiration
‘Everybody falls sometimes, gotta find the strength to rise from the ashes and make a new beginning….. ” Everyone can feel the ache, you think it’s more than you can take, but you are stronger, stronger than you know….. I’ve seen dreams that move mountains, hope that never ends EVEN when the sky is falling. I’ve […]
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