Whatmapping for 2010
WHATmap 2010: The visual map of the Key "Whats" for 2010 One of the tools I love to use are mindmaps. I grabbed this one from Flickr because it's unlike most of the ones I make; with a central circle and arms radiating out to more circles, each with their own arms. Storymapping. Since my conversion to engaged tribal […]
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2010: Say Hello And Wave Goodbye!
2010: Say HELLO AND WAVE GOODBYE It's the end of 2009 and as Seth Godin is encouraging us to ask, NOW WHAT? My answer; Say Hello to 2010… wave goodbye to 2009; by getting crystal clear on the "WHAT"S" that matter to YOU… On Monday December 21 8-9 am PSTJoin me and my guests for an […]
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Sustainable or NOT?
Sustainable or not? I was at Seattle Green Drinks last week thanks to the invite of Joe Kennedy at Iameastsideand Craig Norberry of Norberry Tile. Sometime during the evening I had the pleasure of meeting Dan O'Shea founding partner of Re-vision labs. In the middle of conversation as I listened to Dan talk about his business and his life the internal […]
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Sustainable Value
Small business and value. Everyone is looking for a deal… My girlfriend who is a commercial photographer sent me this. I have to admit 2009 has been quite a year when it comes to small business and creative financing. This whole freemuim move is great …but the buck has to stop somewhere.If small business is […]
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What are you paying attention to?
Our Attention shapes life and business. The form, intent, content of our lives and ventures are dependent on what we attend to – how we use our attention. I was back reviewing a book I love, FLow; the psychology of optimal experience last night and this morning I'm musing over the power of attention. […]
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Real time engagement: Customer Service 2.0
Real Time Engagement is the new customer service. The goal of customer service remains the same; put a smile on the clients face, add value, exceed expectations, positively impact, connect, resource, but the 'what we are doing' and the tools we have access to leverage connection, relating and engaging are morphing at mach speed. But let us never forget it's all about the […]
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Super Freakonomics Lesson #4: You can’t find the answer if you don’t ASK!
Super Freakonomics Lesson #4: Life and Economics are alot alike; You can't find the answer if you don't ask the question! I love the tag line for the book Super Freakonomics; 'the hidden side of everything.' I have a very wise friend who always reminds me, "you don't know what you don't know." True. I don't know what […]
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Super Freakonomics Lesson #3: Deliberate Practice = Mastery
Women's Soccer Team Practice, originally uploaded by Michael Oh. Super Freakonomics lesson #3: Deliberate Practice is the Key to Mastery Levitt and Dubner only refer to deliberate practice on one page in this book, page 61. I can't always explain my take away's from books, trainings or experiences. But this thought, and the research the authors referred to […]
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Superfreakonomics Lesson #2: The Law of Unintended Consequences
CycloCross "Oh, oh" Moment, Utah State Championships, originally uploaded by DennyMont. Yes, when we are mountain biking we try not to use the right hand brake… Super Freakonomics Lesson #2: The Law of unintended consequences. The law of unintended consequences refers to actions that result in affects and impacts that are unanticipated and or unintended. Put simply […]
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