Creativity Killers
Ideation, Innovation, Creativity. What is the key to living the creative life? I’m not sure I can answer that question but it’s at the heart of what I’m curious about today. The other day in my quiet time I came across a quote by creative wonder Julia Cameron, author of The Artist’s Way. ” A […]
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Don’t swim if you were meant to fly! Don’t try to be a bird if you’re a fish!
“I really think I should sequester myself in a room and just finish the project.” I mused to my friend. Smiling she asked. “So you want to be a fish, you want to swim?” Staring back at her I paused. If swimming meant staying on task, finishing the project and realizing completions, distance, milestones, success […]
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Leadership Gaps and how they turn people into mannequins
Leadership gaps. They happen. And they happen. What are the costs? I’ve written several posts about leadership closing the leadership gaps , my 2 leadership verbs, how to engage heads, hands and heart, results revolution and others. But today I want to consider leadership from another perspective. I’m looking at the gaps in leadership from the mannequin in […]
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The Art of Creating, Re-creating and Re-inventing…
Creating, Reinventing, Re-creating; we were made for it. The urge to create, build, imagine, design. Today, January 18th at 8am PST I facilitated a social conversation titled,”The art of creating change” online at twitter and streaming on itunes and at Chat With Women with guest co-hosts Ethan Yarbrough from Allyis and Patti Dobrowolski from Get […]
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