Tune Out to Tune In: Silence
Silence Can Be Golden "Silence is as deep as eternity, speech as shallow as time." Carlyle My son is the one I have to thank for teaching me the meaning of this quote. And no, it wasn't his decimal shattering Immortal Technique tunes that drove me to silence. Rather his involuntary 58 day wilderness trip. […]
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Failure: A rock bottom solid foundation: JK Rowling on Failure & Imagination
Failure: Seven years after graduating from college international best selling author J.K. Rowling believed she was the biggest failure she knew. She had failed on what she terms an 'epic scale;' divorced young mother, unemployed and penniless. Failure set her free. It stripped away all of the inessentials. She was liberated to do the only […]
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Got growth? Videothought Feb 1
Nurtured? Surrounded by life sustaining, growth enhancing elements? If not – perhaps it's time to rethink. Each of us needs different elements to realize our potential and grow. Look around, is where you've planted yourself nurturing you? Do you have access to the life giving elements necessary for your very best life? If not perhaps […]
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What’s your Impact?
What's Your Impact on Others? In my third post on the symphony of relating I am diving to the heart of relationships. What is your impact? What is your intent for relationships and community? What happens when people encounter you briefly, over time and in long term work, partnerships or relationships? Impact. Effect. After having […]
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Trust; The Oxygen of Relationships
Trust: The Oxygen of Relationships; PART TWO in THE SYMPHONY OF RELATING Trust is the oxygen of relationships. In life and in business. For me, trust results when I experience integrity, authenticity and transparency. The other day I was musing over the elements of trust and posted the following question on twitter; "What is the […]
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Flexibility: videothought for Jan 25
Some kind of excerpt need to be populated for this post. Without it, the post is empty. Don’t forget the excerpt- if you do, kittens will be punished.
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