What’s VALUE’s got to do with it?
photo credit By The U.S. Army What’s Value’s Got To Do With It? Sitting in a meeting the other day the conversation veered right, left, weaved back and finally the only question left was, “What’s most important? What really matters…now?” My client paused. She stared at me. I stared back. What would my answer be, if […]
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What are your favorite words?
How Can I Help? What if I seek to understand more than to be understood? What if I show up in every encounter intent to help, serve and add value and meaning? What if I take my favorite words, “How can I help?” And make them a soulful mantra I commit to living by? How […]
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I Feel Stupid To Admit It; But I Don’t Know What I Want….
When we don’t know what we want. Being unclear, indecisive, unsure, hesitant, stuck or unmotivated can be frustrating. But don’t buy into the belief that you should be clear. If you aren’t clear – you obviously shouldn’t be! Getting clear is a process and there are plenty of good reasons for being unclear, unsure, indecisive, […]
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Leadership Gaps and how they turn people into mannequins
Leadership gaps. They happen. And they happen. What are the costs? I’ve written several posts about leadership closing the leadership gaps , my 2 leadership verbs, how to engage heads, hands and heart, results revolution and others. But today I want to consider leadership from another perspective. I’m looking at the gaps in leadership from the mannequin in […]
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Mission Strain: “TAKE COVER!!”
SIXTYFOUR | threesixtyfive "TAKE COVER!!", originally uploaded by ortizmj12. Yesterday I spent an hour with Paul Shoemaker from Social Venture Partners Seattle and Jeris Miller from Compassion Action Network, Heart of The Matter Blog and Microsoft as philanthropist and social entrepreneurs Aaron from G2Bventures and Gideon from Groundwire shared their thoughts on Doing Good; is Good Business. During the program […]
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