What If Growing Your Business Is Easier Than You Think? Accelerate

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Why is growing your business so difficult, complicated and expensive?

Truth is… it doesn’t have to be. Over the years, I’ve found and revised tools that help entrepreneurs and leaders get clear and simplify what it takes to grow.

Clarity drives many things and growth just happens to be one of them… What if growing your business is simpler than you ever thought and it’s just what you don’t yet know that is keeping you from the growth you are capable of?

If you haven’t already devoured the book; The Business Model Generation, I highly recommend you do…I’ve taken the liberty to build upon the business model canvas for my purposes in helping entrepreneurs gain clarity on the go to market elements of their business/social models.

1. The Vision: The end in mind for your venture is?

2 The Mission: The purpose of your business/organization is?

3. The success markers: How your organization defines success, what has to happen for you to be sustainable and successful?

4. Revenue/Value Streams: What are the value adding products and services that drive value and or create revenue

5. Value Proposition: What is the brand promise of the venture?

6. Customer Segments: Who are the customer targets?

7. Key Activities: What are the key activities which when done well, drive the success of the venture?

8. Channels: How do you deliver your products, services to the customer?

9. Customer Relationships: What types of customer relationships will drive success?

10. Key Resources: What are the key resources ( think intangible and tangible) that are essential to success?

11. Key Partners: What type of strategic partnerships might be mutually beneficial?

12. Costs: What are the primary costs of the business?

Now that you have a foundation for your business model, go to market strategy, let’s delve in deeper to further vett out how we will get you growing…

marketing playbook


You’ve already confirmed your vision, mission and success markers – KPI”s ( key performance indicators) and goals should align and support the big picture and drive the key activities necessary for success in your organization/startup or social business

Timing is everything. What are your competitors offering to your clients- currently? How are you different? And have clients validated they want your value? Of course you have competition and the better you understand them and their offerings the clearer you will be on how you differ and what nique value you offer your clients.

Now sum up your competitive advantage into one sentence- we sometimes call this a brand promise, a positioning statement or a value proposition. It really doesn’t matter what you call it- only that you clearly describe your unique value succinctly in one sentence.

Who are your clients and what are the problems they have you want to solve?

What are your products, services, value added elements you will be providing?

How will you price your solutions; products, services- key pricing strategies?

How will you promote your products/services- key promotion strategies?

How will you distribute your products/services- key distribution strategies?

Now for each of the strategies above ( pricing, promotion, distribution) what are the key tactics you want to execute?

Who will be responsible for each tactic and what will it cost to execute it?

How will you measure your tactics, strategies?

How will you improve, tweak and playbook over time based on your results?



Who says accelerating your growth has to be difficult?

I think it’s simple. …Call me if you’d like to chat further with your questions about growing your venture.

What If Growing Your Business Is Easier Than You Think? Accelerate

A few additional links related to marketing in the digital age:

Storytelling Model

Not Your Mothers Marketing…

Marketing Revolution

Engaged Tribal Storytelling


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