The Sweet Spot of Business & Life
The Sweet Spot of Business and Life Jim Collins coined the Hedgehog Concept when he described the difference between Good and Great companies. The intersection of a companies competitive advantage, passion and economic opportunities. Later Collins applied the hedgehog principle to individuals. Collins noted that great companies were more hedgehog; focused on doing one thing […]
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Leadership. It must get better. It must become GOOD.
Leadership. It must get better. It must become GOOD. As I review the Community Round table report on community management my mind keeps chunking up to the idea about what this report has to do with GOOD leadership; servant, community, tribal and movement inciting leadership? I keep coming back to the thought that as cool […]
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Innovation: How big is your curiosity quotient?
Innovation, Tom Peters and your curiosity quotient Photo credit jim i’ll pic it “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” Charles Darwin While at Twestival, I found myself explaining my background to a new friend who was a leader in a fortune […]
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Membership is not Community
Community in Business and Organizations: Part 1 of a 4 I’ve been enjoying the Community Roundtable report State of Community Management; best practices by practitioners. You don’t want to miss this report if you’re interested in community management and how social/digital, online communities are transforming business and organizational life. As I’ve reviewed the study I’ve […]
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Truth; the ultimate business, organization growth serum
Want to grow your venture, business, community, brand, dream? What if the ultimate business catalyst, engagement specialist, community builder is nothing more than that age ole ingredient called truth? Truth. Or as Dan Pallotta refers to it, your ‘fundamental truth’. Authenticity. Real. Essence. Soul. Purpose. REALITY. I’ve had several experiences lately that further cement my […]
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Collaboration, Cooperation & Openness: The Framework for Success
Collaboration, cooperation and contribution are the characteristics of open frameworks, frameworks that will succeed in the future. I can’t lose this visual of windows versus doors. This idea of openness versus transparency. You see we’ve all been talking about the importance of transparency and yet truth be told there is something more elemental to growth […]
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Blind spots they kill people, dreams and relationships… My blog post was unintentionally discarded by the internet the other day. I have to admit as a writer I want to stand on the table and scream when this happens. Okay sometimes I want to do something much worse than that…but deep down I don’t really […]
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Social Marketing: Location Based Services & The Importance of Value and Relevancy
Social Marketing, Reinvented Marketing, Participative Marketing, Integrated digital/Social Media Marketing. Sales are created when consumers take action. Feet illustrate action for me. Friday February 27th, I attended an education event sponsored by Seattle Social Media Club hosted at the University of Washington Communication’s department on location based services. On the same day of the LBS […]
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Predator to Peacemaker: Ex-Gang Member to Social Entrepreneur
LA Gang Tour is a non-profit organization founded by ex-gang member, community/ gang interventionist and social entrepreneur ALfred Lomas.
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Silence as a tool for clarity, focus & success
Some say the average consumer will be exposed to over 1 million messages this year, (3,000 a day), some say it’s alot less. Still others like Clay Shirky say it’s not information overload that stresses us out, it’s our ‘filter failure.‘ Oh well, you will just get better at multi-tasking! But of course you know […]
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