What if ‘what’s’ wrong with leadership is the WHY, not the how?
Photo By iwona_kellie What if what’s really wrong with leadership is the WHY, not the how? Wikepedia defines leadership as “process of social influence in which one person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task. ” Wikepedia then immediately follows with this double bob and weave, CYA statement, “Definitions more […]
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Lost in Translation, or was that Transition?
Lost in Translation or was that Transition? Many have seen the 2003 film Lost in Translation featuring aging actor (Bill Murray) and recent college-graduate (Scarlett Johansson). The two develop a unique friendship after a chance meeting in a Tokyo hotel. The movie explores themes of loneliness, alienation, insomnia, and culture shock against the backdrop of modern Japan. (Thanks Wikepedia) Many […]
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Originality: Original By Design
In business and venturing I’m constantly admonishing entrepreneurs to create original, innovative high value business models, not merely creative marketing campaigns and sales tactics. The true secret of business is innovative design of solutions (products and services) to solve highly valued problems. I spend a lot of time creating and designing innovative businesses because business […]
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Don’t swim if you were meant to fly! Don’t try to be a bird if you’re a fish!
“I really think I should sequester myself in a room and just finish the project.” I mused to my friend. Smiling she asked. “So you want to be a fish, you want to swim?” Staring back at her I paused. If swimming meant staying on task, finishing the project and realizing completions, distance, milestones, success […]
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“I didn’t mean to”
Intent. Intention is all the rage. Set one and manifest. Affirmations. Visualizations. Clarity. Vision. The end in mind. All of these are tools of creation in life and business. I use them daily, in my own life and with clients. But lately I’ve begun to wonder if sometimes we don’t shrug off responsibility for the […]
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Your Words Mean Little When Your Actions Are Screaming So Loudly: Personal Integrity
It really doesn’t matter what BP say’s does, it? The truth is seeping onto our shores and killing our wildlife. The other day I posted the statement, ‘Your words mean little when your actions are screaming so loudly” on Facebook and was surprised by the amount of responses. It struck a chord with my friends. […]
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Lose your story & jump in!
Sometimes our stories imprison us. Sometimes ‘back story’ holds so much power it keeps us from jumping in to our life and business; here, now in real time. Take a moment and think about the people you love, care about. How many of them are repeating some part of their ‘backstory?’ How many of them […]
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