Breathing? Then it’s not too late…30 second video inspiration
It's never too late to become what you might have been. I love this quote. But the question is how to transfer this inspiration into life philosophy, reality for you and I? Change takes knowledge, instruction (new skill development) feedback and deliberate practice to rewire your frame of mind and chemistry. Belief, intention is the […]
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When it’s Winter; Business/Life 30 second video inspiration
When It’s Winter in Your Life or Business: While Winter might be fun when you’ve got your ski’s on, standing atop Whistler or Blackcomb it’s not necessarily a season of life or business that any of us would choose. Endings occur in Winter. Relationships, jobs, businesses; dissolve and evolve. Personal losses accumulate and life is […]
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Smoldering? So What to Do?
Smoldering. So what to do? Allow it to continue, see what happens. Give it more oxygen, time space? Add gas? Douse it? What’s smoldering and what are you going to do about it?
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Leadership: A Social Conversation
Leadership A Social Conversation: Pam Hoelzle, Umair Haque, Diane Wagner, Ethan Yarbrough & Adam Olsen February 15, 2010 i apologize the audio connection between the radio studio located in Bellevue WA and Umair who was in london was less than ideal. I am working to orchestrate another opportunity for an interview, perhaps we can talk […]
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30 Second Video-Inspiration: One Step At A Time
Quality, experience is a moment by moment thing. Chunk down when things seem too large, overwhelming or complex. Get in the still, small second. Bit, by bit progress is made. One step at a time.
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Leadership Unleashed
Unleashed: A Leadership Mindset (I'd love your input on leadership. Click here to answer a few questions AND if you participate you can share in the results) I've led teams as large as 500 serving 20-30K people a week and I've led teams as small as me, myself and I. Yes, leading me, or should […]
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Priortities and Mattergaps
Mattergaps & Priorities How often do you find yourself asking what first? What now? What do I say no to? What do I say yes to? Only hours later to find yourself knee deep in urgent matters that aren't necessarily important, at all? In my life working side by side with leaders and creators I […]
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Tune Out to Tune In: Silence
Silence Can Be Golden "Silence is as deep as eternity, speech as shallow as time." Carlyle My son is the one I have to thank for teaching me the meaning of this quote. And no, it wasn't his decimal shattering Immortal Technique tunes that drove me to silence. Rather his involuntary 58 day wilderness trip. […]
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