Closing The Leadership Gaps
I attended the Town Hall event in Seattle last night featuring national best selling author Daniel Pink. Pink was in town to talk about his new book, Drive; The Surprising Truth About what Motivates Us. Pink’s cocktail party summary of his book is, ” When it comes to motivation there is a gap between what science […]
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Leader; Conductor; Facilitator
Leadership is about possibility. Leaders unleash possibility as they unleash human potential; theirs and others. Ben and Rosumand Zander's book, The Art of Possibility inspired me years ago and is a book I return to often. Ben Zander is a transformational leader. Transformation. Leadership is about transforming ourselves and others. Leading. I've learned albeit the […]
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Inspired by Daniel Pink's Ted Talk I am committing 4 posts to a discussion about what it would take for us leaders to lead a RESULTS REVOLUTION. I want to help support the Leadership Results Revolution, Pink's work incites. Sometimes, as Pink points out assumptions and human behavior are contrary to truth and reality. Sometimes human […]
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Want to have a RESULTS REVOLUTION: Autonomy, Mastery & Purpose
Results Revolution: Daniel Pink on Human Motivation Have you read Daniel Pink's books? Listened to his Ted Talks and Oprah Interviews? His book A Whole New Mind was one of my top business reads last year. Oh you remember when he was writing Al Gore's speeches? Well, the world is better off now that he […]
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“Rocky” Up….
"It's not about how hard you can hit; it's about how hard you can be hit and keep going. It's about how much you can take and keep moving forward." I'm looking for smelling salts and an ice pack. I'm having a "Rocky"moment. Even though I decided long ago fear was nothing more than a figment […]
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