No Boundaries: Find The “WHAT” your “WHY” is most Excited BY: Don’t Give Up on Your Dreams!
I assume by now you’ve met YES and MORE? Kind of addicting aren’t they? What if there are no boundaries once we learn how to wield NO and LESS? Daily I work with entrepreneurs and leaders who are wondering if it’s too late to realize their dreams, if there are really boundaries to what is […]
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Should “Should” Stay or “Should” Should go? Even the Clash is confused…
Should ‘Should’ Stay or should ‘should’ Go? I’m wrong in at least 5 different ways whenever I think ‘should’ should stay…. Matter of fact I’m wrong whenever I think anyone should do ANYTHING other than what they are doing!!! Should; it’s not quite what I thought. Matter of fact I’m so dissilusioned with ‘should’ I’m […]
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Want a Free Re-Think book by Ric Merrifield? Act Now!
I have 4 Ric Merrifield books( http://ricmerrifield.com) to giveaway. Want one? Re-Think! I learned about Ric and his book… Re-Think last night. Ric works at Microsoft and is an alumof Lake Side High School. I perused his book for the first timelast night and was impressed. Alot of the new paradigmsthat I believe are essential for success […]
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Good Business is not a social responsibilty mask or cause marketing!
Responsibility, cause marketing, even social enterprises are not necessarily Good Business Sorry but all these companies and ventures whotell the socially responsible story and don't transformevery human experience – aren't good business at all. Good business is of integrity with consistent valuesand yes transforming because of it's impact on people.Period. So whether your business model […]
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the journey into silence
the journey, originally uploaded by kreativekell. Tonight my son left camp in the middle of the Arizona desert without a flash light, he will hike all night and make his way to a pre-destined place in the morning where he will get his gear and leave for a 3 day solo trip. He is 15. […]
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It’s all about people…always has been…always will be…
Influence Ripples (slideshow version), originally uploaded by David Armano. This is a diagragm David Armano created to illustrate the flow of influence but I am using his visual to illustrate how life is all about people; always has been and always will be. Imagine each dot in the photo above a human life; the miracle of mind, […]
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A lady of Action: Gabriella Van Breda World Impact Network
So who currently is challenging you to Play bigger, Pay It Forward More? This is Gabriella Van Breda executive director of W.I.N. World Impact Network. I love this photo of her with the piggy banks she asks others to fill for the WOrld Impact Network ( www.worldimpactnetwork.org) food bank which feeds over 3,000 people in Bellevue […]
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Dip or Cul-de-Sac?
This is my favorite guy in the whole wide world…my son Zach. This is Zach on day 24 of a 50 day wilderness quest, a quest where he's turning a cul-de-sac into a dip and pushing through the valleys out in the desert in Arizona with a backpack living on the land. We've all […]
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