Speak Naked Pam
Photo By fRandi-Shooters Speak Naked “You sound disconnected, as if your words are trying out for cheer leading.” My friend challenged. “Disconnected?” “Like your writing staring at your audience. Where is the radical you? Where is Pam without filtering, masks, worrying about being accepted? Fraud. Fake. Phoney. Easy to detect the artificial, contrived in someone else’s over […]
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Thanksgiving with The Union Gospel Mission Seattle; Social Innovation & Swing
Thanksgiving with The Union Gospel Mission Seattle; Social Innovation & Swing Photo’s courtesy of Denise Knapp Ever found yourself in a transcendent moment of rhythm, harmony and melody? The convergence of swing? Ever had minutes turn to hours? Ever been in the ‘zone’ lost in the activity of the moment? That’s the feeling I had […]
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Radical Grace
photo by By andrea.rose Radical Grace The short prayer before a meal. The period provided after a bill is due and yet not late. Favor, goodwill. Elegance, beauty in action. Luther’s 95 thesis, the Protestant Reformation. Grace. Graceful. Full of grace. Are we? Are we liberal in dispensing undeserved favor? What is our tendency; to criticize […]
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Canal or Reservoir? Deep Living
photo By psd Canal or Reservoir: Deep Living “If then you are wise, you will show yourself rather as a reservoir than a canal. A canal spreads abroad water as it receives it, but a reservoir waits until it is filled before overflowing, an thus without loss to itself ( it shares) its superabundant water.” Bernard […]
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Marketing Revolution; It’ s Not Your Mother’s Marketing Class…
It’s Not Your Mother’s Marketing Revolution. Because some of you just don’t have time to stay up to speed with the integrated marketing revolution. Here’s some of the curriculum I will be teaching this week. Have fun and enjoy. Remember- a picture, video is worth a million blog posts… Marketing defined; “The activity, set of […]
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The Age of Social Narcissism
Photo credit By Beverly & Pack The Age of Social Narcissism We all remember that poor boy Narcissus – right. Thirsty he seeks refreshment. But instead of refreshment he finds his reflection and falls in love with it. Unwilling to disturb the water for fear of losing site of his beloved self Narcissus dies, dies […]
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What’s VALUE’s got to do with it?
photo credit By The U.S. Army What’s Value’s Got To Do With It? Sitting in a meeting the other day the conversation veered right, left, weaved back and finally the only question left was, “What’s most important? What really matters…now?” My client paused. She stared at me. I stared back. What would my answer be, if […]
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What if ‘what’s’ wrong with leadership is the WHY, not the how?
Photo By iwona_kellie What if what’s really wrong with leadership is the WHY, not the how? Wikepedia defines leadership as “process of social influence in which one person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task. ” Wikepedia then immediately follows with this double bob and weave, CYA statement, “Definitions more […]
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What’s the Question You Want Your Web Analytics to Answer?
Photo Creative Commons Flickr By 姒儿喵喵 What’s the question you want your web analytics to answer? K.I.S.S web analytics. Keep it simple. I am not a web analytic specialist. I’m an entrepreneur, venture builder, integrated marketer, student- teacher, teacher- student, consultant, coach and ultimately the eternally curious one in the group. Not everyone was born and […]
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Momentum as Habit
Momentum as Habit I’m not a physics major. But I know something of momentum, not that I’d define it as the product of the mass and velocity of an object. I tend to think of it more as progress, the force or speed of movement of an object, person, team, organization, vision, tribe, movement….you get […]
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