The 3- H’s Of Engagement: Heads, Hearts & Hands
The Art of Engaging Hearts, Hands and Heads Photo credit Below I posted a question to twitter yesterday asking what common mistakes are made by leaders and supervisors. One of the respondents was from @anthonystevens, “Typical management blunders include, Micromanagement, misplaced priorities, treating people as interchangeable “things”. After reading Anthony’s answer I perused his blog […]
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How Many Vista’s Have You Missed?
My internal GPS is programmed wrong. I’m eternally, directionally challenged. And still I venture out. Often alone. How many vista’s have you missed for fear of getting lost, falling down or failing? “Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all” Helen Keller said. I agree. Dare to fail. Dare to get lost. Dare to […]
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Life Sucks When You Have To Say Goodbye Too Soon…..Jennifer Starr Malean
Life Sucks When You Have To Say Goodbye Too Soon…..Jennifer Starr Malean Death. We’d prefer not to think about it, that it never visited and when it did; well, then of course we wished we’d taken that course on death and dying or lived in a culture that knew how to grieve and mourn… About […]
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MAJORING in the minors?
photo by eviltomthai I’ve done it. Maybe you have too? Spent countless hours doing insignificant things. When the time investments you and I make with our one incredible, precious life are in-congruent with what we value we are majoring in the minors, living a life that is insignificant and altogether a waste of time based […]
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What Inspires?
Some days I wonder what inspires you? I mean what get’s you going, keeps you going? Maybe it’s a who, a what, a why. Inspiration. Source. Fuel. Encouragement. Today walking along the Atlantic Coastline in Florida I watched as a gentleman and his 2 steel crutches made their way to the waters edge, without so […]
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Time To Live A New Story?
Photo by StacyZ Time To Live A New Story? Stories revolve around a character. A character who wants something and is willing to overcome conflict to get it, or dies trying. I don’t know about you, but I’ve lived plenty of stories. And throughout the past 48 years there’s been plenty of times I’ve wanted […]
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What Might STILL Be Possible?
Original Art of Ben Koissaba What Might Still Be Possible? What if you were peacefully working for your fellow countrymen and women’s civil rights? What if you were sent to jail, under gun fire for opposing the government’s actions? What if you loved your country, Kenya and yet knew something was very, very wrong? What […]
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Don’t Be An Ass…
Photo: John Grant Don’t Be An Ass: The Backside of making ASSumptions I’ve been an Assumption making ASS. How about you? And just when I think I can’t possibly make a bigger ASS of myself, my little mind starts spitting out unconfirmed assumptions all over the place. As a creator, entrepreneur and facilitator to those […]
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Open Your Hands; Open Your Heart: Lessons From 100 Days of Hot Yoga In A Row
Lessons From 100 Days of Hot Yoga In A Row On Jan 12th I started what I believed would be a 30-60 day Hot Yoga Challenge. A challenge between me, myself and I. When 30 days rolled around I shared my secret with Danielle, the cute blonde with me in the photo (manager and teacher […]
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Life White-Out: Grace
photo by By Sultry Life White-Out: Grace I always thought I was going to have a third child. Of course she was going to be a girl and of course her name would be Grace. Well, I didn’t really know for sure this child would be a girl. But I knew there was a third […]
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