Semper Fidelis: More than a motto a way of life & business…
Semper Fidelis is Latin for “Always faithful.” It became the motto of the Marines in 1883 and is often shortened to Semper Fi. It guides Marines to always be faithful to each other, the mission at hand, the corps and the country; no matter what. In the Marines Semper Fidelis is not merely a logo, […]
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I Feel Stupid To Admit It; But I Don’t Know What I Want….
When we don’t know what we want. Being unclear, indecisive, unsure, hesitant, stuck or unmotivated can be frustrating. But don’t buy into the belief that you should be clear. If you aren’t clear – you obviously shouldn’t be! Getting clear is a process and there are plenty of good reasons for being unclear, unsure, indecisive, […]
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Your Words Mean Little When Your Actions Are Screaming So Loudly: Personal Integrity
It really doesn’t matter what BP say’s does, it? The truth is seeping onto our shores and killing our wildlife. The other day I posted the statement, ‘Your words mean little when your actions are screaming so loudly” on Facebook and was surprised by the amount of responses. It struck a chord with my friends. […]
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Ready, Camera; FOCUS!
Focus And Build a Purposeful Life and A Profitable Venture In life and business we need to be able to move back and forth between the telescope and the microscope. We need to be able to see the big picture, the end in mind and chunk down to the details. We need to be able […]
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Leadership. It must get better. It must become GOOD.
Leadership. It must get better. It must become GOOD. As I review the Community Round table report on community management my mind keeps chunking up to the idea about what this report has to do with GOOD leadership; servant, community, tribal and movement inciting leadership? I keep coming back to the thought that as cool […]
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Leadership Gaps and how they turn people into mannequins
Leadership gaps. They happen. And they happen. What are the costs? I’ve written several posts about leadership closing the leadership gaps , my 2 leadership verbs, how to engage heads, hands and heart, results revolution and others. But today I want to consider leadership from another perspective. I’m looking at the gaps in leadership from the mannequin in […]
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Shoe switching. A practice in empathy, the key to great relationships
So when was the last time you slipped into a pair of shoes like these? How comfortable would you be? What might happen if you and your team were better at shoe switching? Shoe switching. It’s a mindset. Call it empathy, understanding, consideration. Shoe switching is the mindset and the practice I engage in when […]
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Want to Build Community & Team: Lose The EGO.
Meet Community & Team Killer #1: The Ego One of my girlfriends (age 45+) told me a story about a friend of her’s who recently celebrated her third marriage. (Do you even celebrate the third one?) My girlfriend was horrified when her fairly normal friend transformed into bridzilla.( 20 year old bridzalla’s are cute; 45 […]
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What 2 Verbs Describe You? Your Leadership Style?
What’s are your 2 Verbs? I was sitting in a coffee shop the other day with Ethan Yarbrough. We were talking about life, business and leading when he very intently asked, “If you had 2 verbs to describe your leadership style what would they be?” Now if you know me, asking me to limit ANYTHING […]
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Leadership: A Social Conversation
Leadership A Social Conversation: Pam Hoelzle, Umair Haque, Diane Wagner, Ethan Yarbrough & Adam Olsen February 15, 2010 i apologize the audio connection between the radio studio located in Bellevue WA and Umair who was in london was less than ideal. I am working to orchestrate another opportunity for an interview, perhaps we can talk […]
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