
“I didn’t mean to”

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Intent. Intention is all the rage. Set one and manifest. Affirmations. Visualizations. Clarity. Vision. The end in mind. All of these are tools of creation in life and business. I use them daily, in my own life and with clients. But lately I’ve begun to wonder if sometimes we don’t shrug off responsibility for the […]

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What are your favorite words?

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How Can I Help? What if I seek to understand more than to be understood? What if I show up in every encounter intent to help, serve and add value and meaning? What if I take my favorite words, “How can I help?” And make them a soulful mantra I commit to living by? How […]

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How are you investing your time?

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Time is a scarce resource. In my earlier years I always believed money was the scarcest of resources and the resource most worthy of my time. Reality is that you and I have several life currencies, resources from our physical and mental health to our finances, assets, experiences, relationships and time. The average 40 hour […]

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Lose your story & jump in!

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Sometimes our stories imprison us. Sometimes ‘back story’ holds so much power it keeps us from jumping in to our life and business; here, now in real time. Take a moment and think about the people you love, care about. How many of them are repeating some part of their ‘backstory?’ How many of them […]

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Mobile Giving: Red Cross Text Haiti

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Mobile Giving; Collaboration Haiti The tragedy in Haiti once again reminds us life is painfully heartbreaking and wildly ,deliciously inspiring. The fact is over 3 million Haitians have been affected by the earthquake and there have been tens of thousands, and estimated hundreds of thousands of casualties. Life is heartbreaking. On the other hand, within minutes of the disaster photos were […]

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Leadership Unleashed

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Unleashed: A Leadership Mindset (I'd love your input on leadership. Click here to answer a few questions AND if you participate you can share in the results) I've led teams as large as 500 serving  20-30K people a week and I've led teams as small as me, myself and I. Yes, leading me, or should […]

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What’s your Impact?

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What's Your Impact on Others? In my third post on the symphony of relating I am diving to the heart of relationships. What is your impact? What is your intent for relationships and community? What happens when people encounter you briefly, over time and in long term work, partnerships or relationships? Impact. Effect. After having […]

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Make the Ask

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Making the Ask One of my current clients businesses is in an industry that has suffered devastating blowsover the past 24 months. Funny, but it seems everywhere I go entrepreneurs and leaders want’s answers…. I want to ask questions. My question is often; what is the question(s)? What are you asking? Who are you talking to? […]

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