Sustainable Value
Small business and value. Everyone is looking for a deal… My girlfriend who is a commercial photographer sent me this. I have to admit 2009 has been quite a year when it comes to small business and creative financing. This whole freemuim move is great …but the buck has to stop somewhere.If small business is […]
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What are you paying attention to?
Our Attention shapes life and business. The form, intent, content of our lives and ventures are dependent on what we attend to – how we use our attention. I was back reviewing a book I love, FLow; the psychology of optimal experience last night and this morning I'm musing over the power of attention. […]
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Real time engagement: Customer Service 2.0
Real Time Engagement is the new customer service. The goal of customer service remains the same; put a smile on the clients face, add value, exceed expectations, positively impact, connect, resource, but the 'what we are doing' and the tools we have access to leverage connection, relating and engaging are morphing at mach speed. But let us never forget it's all about the […]
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Mission Strain: “TAKE COVER!!”
SIXTYFOUR | threesixtyfive "TAKE COVER!!", originally uploaded by ortizmj12. Yesterday I spent an hour with Paul Shoemaker from Social Venture Partners Seattle and Jeris Miller from Compassion Action Network, Heart of The Matter Blog and Microsoft as philanthropist and social entrepreneurs Aaron from G2Bventures and Gideon from Groundwire shared their thoughts on Doing Good; is Good Business. During the program […]
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Love what you do; DO WHAT YOU LOVE: NOW
@garyvee Twitter: Wine Library DO what you LOVE! If swearing bothers you – don't watch the video. If you want to be inspired; Listen. I Passion. Care. Do what you love; love what you do. This is your one incredible life. How are you investing it? Do you love what you do? Are you using […]
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Failure or Success: You Decide
I often talk about the front side and the back side of an entrepreneur's resume/bio. The back side of your life, resume is the side most of us are least comfortable letting other people see or know. Most of us spend our life presenting the 'front side,' our best side, the successes and home runs of […]
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Talking is not Relating; Get Over Yourself…( Pam)
If you don't stand for something you're likely to fall for anything."Is the line to a country song that speaks to this whole idea that is spinning around my head right now. You see I mostly write about that which I want to understand and am still curious about and learning. So this morning after my gratitude list I reminded […]
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Mentally Challenged Business
Mental challenges. I face them daily in my own entrepreneurial journey. The entrepreneur, business owner is a thinker, creator and visionary. Our strength; our intellectual creativity also has it's downside now doesn't it? Being a creative entrepreneur, a visionary is a commitment to living in a place where our reach out distances our grasp. We are in a state of […]
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Now Money Now
Now Money Now and Small Business Now money Now is a saying I picked up years ago. We receive money; for solving problems and capitalizing on opportunities that add value to others. If Now Money Now is an issue here are few questions to get the green stuff flowing. What does your current accounts receivable look like? If other people […]
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Don’t Talk: Engage Conversations
In junior high someone named me fog horn. I know I shouldn't admit this. But its all about transparency and authenticity right? I was loud; with a capital L. I've been an athlete most of my life and most of my school years I walked away with the Most Inspirational award, or was it loudest sport-cheerleader? […]
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