5 Reasons Your Marketing Isn’t Working
5 Reasons Your Marketing Isn’t Working Ever wondered if marketing is just a big waste of money, a poor investment? It might be if you are making these errors. 1. You’re focusing on services and products which are not THE key economic drivers of your business, organization. What are the key economic drivers of the […]
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Marketing Tactics & Marketing Plan Mistakes
Marketing Tactics & Marketing Plan mistakes in Integrated Marketing Terry the tactical marketing terrorist. Terry is code. She represents the crazed tactical marketer who is so caught up in her tactical marketing underwear she can’t possibly navigate the journey to her goals, key performance indicators or execute the world changing storytelling, communication strategies she developed. […]
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When Life Sucks…
When Life Sucks ( A fiction story) “I win the award today.” My girlfriend Bonnie grinned as I pulled up a chair.” “You sure about that?” I asked. “Oh I’m sure.” “Okay so pray tell, why do you win the ‘my life, sucks more than yours-today” award? “Bill was laid off. Again.” “Geez. I’m sorry.” […]
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KISS; Integrated Marketing Strategy
KISS! Integrated Marketing Strategy This post is part of the 15 week curriculum I am developing and teaching in the Online Marketing Communications course at Northwest University. And now that all my students are online with their own socially integrated platforms we are revisiting our marketing goals and KPI’s. Marketer’s are all in jeopardy of […]
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Hamster Wheel Living
Hamster Wheel Living “But Robert, it doesn’t have to be this way.” “What do you mean?” The young hamster asked. ” You don’t have to stay on that wheel morning and night, spinning and spinning, rushing around, going no where” “Who says I’m going nowhere? Sometimes I end up in the kitchen.” “Sink that is.” […]
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Taking Mobile Social On The Road; Location Apps
Taking Mobile Social On The Road; Location Apps A primer on what’s happening in regards to consumers and social mobile applications and usage. The term mobile social applies to mobile based applications that allow you to engage on the go, from your smart phone, mobile device. Location apps, geolocation apps, there’s lots of words we […]
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Covered in Compost
Covered In Compost Compost happens. The best laid plans fail. Problems arise. Detours occur. Things change. People, businesses, relationships, organizations disapoint us. I’ve had my share of compost. It doesn’t look, smell or feel good. When life goes compost, things are dark and damp. It’s winter. Father time has issued a giant time out. Nothing […]
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How to Find Influencers To Spread Your Message
Want your message to spread like wild fire? Find the influencers. Every topic, industry has people who are at the forefront, the innovators. On the hunt for what’s new and what’s happening. Early adopters. Champions. They’re google alerts would cause the rampant onset of ADD in most of us. Their minds are scrolls of real […]
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Keeping It Real
Keeping It Real “How are you?” Fine she answered as she wiped her leaky eyes dry. “Are you sure?” “Yeah.” She whispered. How many times have I been the character above? Blind to truth. Deaf to reality? Mine and others?Acting as if, “See no evil, hear no evil” is some sort of excuse for […]
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Integrated Marketing Social Tools: The conversation prism by Brian Solis
Integrated Marketing Communication Social Tools: The Conversation Prism By Brian Solis So many tools so little time. I’m sure by now you’ve seen the conversation prism by Brian Solis? And I wonder how you are integrating the social tools in your life to provide solutions that add value? Marketers see social tools, digital online tools […]
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