Get a Bike not a Plan
Bikes: the ultimate plan I was talking with a couple of my engineering brainaic friends last night before the Seattle Social Media event at the Seattle Art Museum. Our conversation ebbed and flowed and at one point my friends explained how their companies are all tied up in their undies over planning. Yes old school […]
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Leaves or Grapes?
Leaves or Grapes. The young man admired the vineyard foliage. “It’s so green, so thick, it’s amazing!” The vine-dresser smiled as she picked up the vine and began cutting. “What are you doing?” The old woman looked across the top of her glasses at the young man, “This wood.” she pointed. “These leaves.” She frowned. […]
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Blogging; SEO optimizing & winning the long tail search
Blogging; SEO optimizing & winning the long tail search Winning the long tail search is a topic of marketing concern. More and more, people are finding us around the words we engage in and around online. Our future client’s, members, friends, heck maybe even spouses are online searching words that matter- to them! Their searches […]
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The Abilene Paradox Life: Leadership Courage
I’m inspired by many sources, yesterday I was inspired by Ryan Meeks Pastor at Eastlake Community Church in Bothell. Perhaps it was because he was talking about my life sweet spot; helping others discover their passion and unleashing their very best, most authentic life. If you know me at all, you know I’m eternally curious […]
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Simple is better; Marketing made Simple
Simple is Better; Marketing Made Simple I’ve been working with a couple small business clients and a classroom full of undergraduates this week and everyone appears to have the same issue. And the issue is; it’s taking 500 words to communicate their value and that is WAY TOO MANY WORDS… Complexity, confusion and over communicating […]
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Clear As Mud: Clarity
Clear As Mud: Clarity in Life. Clarity in Business. So you’ve come to that place I find myself in every once in awhile. You know, that place where everything is as clear as mud. Murky at best. Nothing like a little mud to slow you down a bit, heh? Oh sure I’ve tried to speed […]
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Radically Sustainable: Change
Is it Radically Sustainable? What? Everything. You mean Everything, or just my business or organization? I mean every investment you make personally and professionally… I mean radically sustainable living and being; leading. What is radically sustainable? Well first we need to look at how one sustains oneself. Let’s start with a quick review of our current […]
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The Heart of Leadership: Open Heart Leadership
The Heart of Leadership: Open Heart Leadership Sometimes I spend too much time in coffee shops, often I spend too much of my discretionary income on dark smoky americano’s and rich rice lattes. But, if I drink too much coffee it’s because it is my preferred open heart living substance. Open heart living, leading? Yep, […]
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Brand Story
Brand Story As promised here is another Friday Integrated Marketing Communications tools and curriculum post! Ever wondered why some brands, companies, start-ups stories go viral so easily, so quickly? Perhaps it’s the brand story. Perhaps it’s the power of their story. Here’s a quick primer on the elements to telling your business, organization or personal […]
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Life is Like A Box Of Chocolates
“My Momma always told me life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get…” Choices. The other day on Face Book I posted the question, “How do you get the chocolate you want when you have an entire box to choose from?” I mean how do you choose? If […]
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