What can you learn from Madonna about Re-inventing yourself…your business?
Madonna,'The Queen Of Pop'., originally uploaded by alexcruzdemalta. What can this lady teach you and I about re-inventing ourselves? About change? To start again, to think anew, to ask a new question: Re-invention is possible. Change is all around us; in our government in our economy and in our personal expenditures. Change and re-invention […]
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Gratitude Practice
Winter sunset over water, originally uploaded by piggley. Thanksgiving has come and gone and as I watch a sunset not nearly as glorious as the one above I find myself hungry, not for more mashed potatoes orThanksgiving fare but rather hungry for time alone, time for gratitude practice. So tonight I will share my "grateful" list, with you. My gratitude practice […]
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Richard Misrach – Untitled 06 (Series from On the Beach).jpg, originally uploaded by drowned.boys. This weekend I had the pleasure of visiting the Henry Art Gallery in Seattle to seeRichard Misrach; On The Beach collection http://www.nga.gov/exhibitions/2008/misrach/ Click the middle of the photo the arrow will take you forward and back through his entire collection. The collection […]
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Business News: The Good, Bad and Ugly of heterosuggestion and syllogism
Heterosuggestions are suggestions from another person or source that may or may not be true. In economic conditions like we find ourselves in today, there is no shortage of toxic heterosuggestions. It seems every news source available to man has become a sewer line of toxic facts, figures and opinions. Now, reality is a […]
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Who Matters more even than WHERE or HOW…
First Who… Now more than ever… WHO matters. Whether you’re an established company, a one-year old business, or a start-up; your team matters. “First who then where” Jim Collins admonishes in his national bestseller Good To Great. In his historic contrasting of good and great companies Collins discovered that great businesses have a propensity for […]
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Twitter Clients? Twitter Followers?
Twitter pated over Guy Kawasaki’s advice on how to pick up followers on Twitter… Confused by the conversation around connecting, leading, tribes, raving fans, followers and dream teams? Perhaps if we could separate all the social network-“follower, friends” advice from the leading, loyal tribes, creating raving fans and galvanizing movements know-how it would be easier, […]
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Obama: A Reality Leader and his ‘To Do List’
Having a tough day? Your to do list; stressing you out? Feel like running in the opposite direction? Maybe if you just stick your head in the sand, all this will go away or better yet if you skip the biggies on the top of your list and just do the minutia on the bottom […]
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Hello: Your LIFE is YOUR business
Get a life! Hello: Your life is Your Business… I say this a lot. Maybe it’s my mantra. Mostly I say it to my kids, but I also say it to my clients and anyone who will listen; you? “Don’t get a job. …get a life. Don’t do something …BE something. Your life is your […]
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Leadership Disorder and Antidote #1 Meg The Micro Manager
My Leadership Psychosis: How to… and not to… sabotage and destroy those who follow you. Disorder #1 Meg The Micro-Manager First, who am I to diagnose leadership illness; you ask? Only one that has suffered from it, I answer. My leadership background includes […]
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Fear or Peace?
Well that seems logical doesn’t it? I mean really- the answer has to be Peace-right? I mean does anyone in their right mind, sign up for fear, volunteer at it’s events or have it on their life vision boards? Of course not. But logic and my life are about as opposite as Dr Jekyl and […]
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