Don’t swim if you were meant to fly! Don’t try to be a bird if you’re a fish!
“I really think I should sequester myself in a room and just finish the project.” I mused to my friend. Smiling she asked. “So you want to be a fish, you want to swim?” Staring back at her I paused. If swimming meant staying on task, finishing the project and realizing completions, distance, milestones, success […]
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“I didn’t mean to”
Intent. Intention is all the rage. Set one and manifest. Affirmations. Visualizations. Clarity. Vision. The end in mind. All of these are tools of creation in life and business. I use them daily, in my own life and with clients. But lately I’ve begun to wonder if sometimes we don’t shrug off responsibility for the […]
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How are you investing your time?
Time is a scarce resource. In my earlier years I always believed money was the scarcest of resources and the resource most worthy of my time. Reality is that you and I have several life currencies, resources from our physical and mental health to our finances, assets, experiences, relationships and time. The average 40 hour […]
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I Feel Stupid To Admit It; But I Don’t Know What I Want….
When we don’t know what we want. Being unclear, indecisive, unsure, hesitant, stuck or unmotivated can be frustrating. But don’t buy into the belief that you should be clear. If you aren’t clear – you obviously shouldn’t be! Getting clear is a process and there are plenty of good reasons for being unclear, unsure, indecisive, […]
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Where Do You Spend Your Time? Future Tripping, Memory Lane or in the Power of NOW?
Do you spend your time future tripping, rewinding through memory lane or here NOW- living your values and beliefs? Ambition and an insatiable, unhealthy desire to prove myself has informed most of my life investments. Somewhere along the journey I bought into the lie, that I needed to prove my self. That I was either […]
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The Prison Warden In The Mirror
The Prison Warden In The Mirror We become what we repeatedly do. Being; results from our thoughts and our actions. If you are chained to behaviors, results, thoughts and ways of being that you’re unhappy with, that no longer represent the life you want then it’s time to face the mirror. You my darling, ( […]
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Get A Life, Before you Croak!
Don’t get a job; Get a life before you Croak! I met with a past client of mine yesterday and he said as he sipped his coffee, ” I finally took your advice and decided to get a life.” I smiled. About a year or two ago I helped him and his partner grow their […]
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Breathing? Then it’s not too late…30 second video inspiration
It's never too late to become what you might have been. I love this quote. But the question is how to transfer this inspiration into life philosophy, reality for you and I? Change takes knowledge, instruction (new skill development) feedback and deliberate practice to rewire your frame of mind and chemistry. Belief, intention is the […]
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