Freedom: Community: Interdependence
Giving and receiving 🙂, originally uploaded by Helminadia. I use to believe the only way to be free was to be independent. I shunned the notion of interdependence early on; you see I was unable to see , what I see now; that no person, or thing can rob what is innate, divine, the soul, […]
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5 Business Marketing TO DO’s for 2009
Vondelpark Amsterdam Do's and Don'ts, originally uploaded by dutchamsterdam.nl. Okay, everyone is talking about this economy and quite honestly some of the Marketing advice I am hearing is so random…. It's no wonder some businesses are acting like mere chickens with their proverbial marketing heads cut off. Better to get clear about the outcomes you want to achieve […]
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Seattle Business Consulting: SEO for dummies/10 things that will improve your online marketing NOW!
SEO Expert|Search Engine Optimization Services India, originally uploaded by gifttoindian. I'm not an expert in SEO but I am an expert in growing businesses and so lately I've been listening and learning and last week , with the basic insights I've gathered from others I took a company from the back forty on Google …possibly […]
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Some leaders suck the life out of people…
Empowerment, originally uploaded by Lincolnian. Some leaders suck the life out of people. Some leaders over manage making others feel absolutely infantile, deflating any sense of personal leadership or responsibility. Some leaders are so busy jumping into everyone else's business they don't realize they are sabotoging their teams trust. Some leaders disregard, entirely, their responsibility […]
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“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate…”
Ensaio Fotografico Powerful, originally uploaded by JR Rodrigues. "Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measureIt is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing […]
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When business is at it’s best….it’s transformational.
IMG_1104, originally uploaded by pamhoelzle. 16 years ago at an International Chain Salon Association meeting I met the woman above (on the left) who unbeknownst to me would become an integral person in my 'becoming' my 'transformation' and ultimately would become one of my closest friends.( Sharon Bonawits and I in Mexico) Who would have known that our first conversation […]
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The Top 10 Questions for Business Panic Button Pushers!
Panic Button, originally uploaded by Isaac Z. Schlueter. So a few of your clients have sweaty palms, are a little flushed, can't stop quoting the latest CNN business report and hyperventilate everytime they say cash? Good. Instead of listening to your clients tell you what's wrong and why they can't purchase now, why they need to delay the campaign, […]
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Some Days… I Get It
A Propósito / On Purpose, originally uploaded by a VeCeS Veo…. Some days I get it. Some days life stops and allows me to get it. A friend dies A child shoots up A business crumbles A marriage ends A child is born without a hand. Some days; airplanes tumble out of the sky, homes are […]
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Acknowledgement: The first step in customer service
Acknowledge Me….AOS DAY 250/365, originally uploaded by _ØяAcLә_. I've spent the last week conducting tribal conversations; aka focus groups for a client of mine. I"ve been dialoging with both clients and employees; it's funny as I listen intently, engage intentionally I am reminded of my own customer service pet peeves; one of which I recently encountered. Standing six client's […]
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What Humpback Whales can teach us…
IMG_1180, originally uploaded by pamhoelzle. Yesterday, off the coast of Punta Mita, Mexico in the Pacific Ocean I sat aboard a small 14 foot; 12 seat fishing dingy and watched 4 pods of Humpback whales put on a show that included over 100 breaches. The photo above is just one of the extraordinary moments I […]
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