What Makes For Great Web Storytelling?
Web Story. One of my favorite things to do is to help startups, small businesses and entrepreneurs tell their story- on their websites and across the web- better. Ezra International is an example of a client that we did just that for. Ezra had a static website. They had not yet moved to a blog. […]
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Web Storytelling: Better Storytelling
Gone are the days of static websites. Enter website storytelling. Remember when you launched a 5 page static website at the beginning of the year and at the end of the year the same 5 pages with the exact same content were still out in internet land doing their thing?Remember when people actually typed in […]
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Video Storytelling
Video Storytelling It’s been said a picture is worth a thousand words and it’s never been more true than now. You may have a great story but are you rocking video storytelling? Is your story easy for others to digest? Is it easy to share across the web? Is your story in multi-media; video, photo’s […]
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When ‘Your’ story transforms ‘My’ story; Charity Water, Eastlake Community Church
Charity Water, Eastlake Community Church; When ‘YOUR’ story transforms ‘MY’ story (Video- Scott Harrison- speaking at Eastlake Community Church about Charity Water and Eastlake’s Drinks for Drinks benefit and partnership) The words pull you in. You can’t seem to leave your seat. The pages fly, the movie speeds forward Lost in ‘the story’ you […]
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A Model For Telling Your Business Story
A Model For Telling Your Business Story Stories matter. And in the marketplace business story, organization story matter ALOT! Each story should be as unique as the DNA that makes up the venture or organization. That said every story should take into mind the following elements. Want to see your story in a whole new […]
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Being Found; The Long Tail
I’m reviewing Google Analytics on several businesses and it’s reminding me of the importance of the long tail. I briefly reviewed the long tail and SEO for dummies in this post. Now I want to remind you of a few things. The consumer is not landing on your home page looking for solutions. They are […]
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Small Business Online Marketing Extraordinaire: Northwest University Student Online Marketing Examples
Small Business Online Marketing Extraordinaire: Northwest University Students Here’s a few examples of Northwest University student’s online marketing platforms and the story of how this course came to be. By the end of our 15 weeks together every student had created their own online venture, developed a socially integrated platform with outposts in several social networking […]
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So you have SEO and SMO? Don’t forget B.O; Grow Your Business
photo by By mikebaird Do you have B.O? We’ll you better get it because it’s as important as SEO and SMO in growing your business. SEO; search engine optimization; the art and science of being ‘found’ around specific keywords, phrases. SMO; social media or network optimization; the art and science of engaging your tribe online. B.O. […]
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Marketing Playbook Process; Marketing Plan Template
Marketing Playbook Process; Marketing Plan Template Here’s a 6 step marketing plan template my answer to the boring ineffective marketing templates I find! This is a subset of my original Marketing Playbook toolkit. If you’re ready to upgrade from static plans to dynamic real time playbooks. Here you go. If you click on the arrows it […]
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Creating A Marketing Playbook; Marketing Revolution
Creating a Marketing Playbook, The marketing revolution ( Click through to see what a path looks like- now use the zoom in feature on the right hand side and hold down your mouse to grab the screen and self navigate through the content. Click on a video to watch it- click on a url to […]
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