Coffee Roaster Caffe Rococo Opens 136 Park Lane Kirkland Washington
So does the world really need another coffee shop? And furthermore, does Kirkland Washington need another espresso shop? Probably not. But the world, Kirkland included is desperate for innovative, courageous, uninhibited, audacious entrepreneurs like Adam Olsen of Caffe Rococo a gourmet coffee roaster and coffee shop now open at 136 Park Lane in Kirkland. Audacious. […]
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What inspires you, fills you with energy, motivates you? DO IT!
Energy. Motivation. Inspiration. Yes, that’s me hiking this week up at Mt. Si. The woods are one of the places I go to refuel, recreate and get re-energized. You see I get that I’m a spiritual being having a physical experience. The only way I can show up with transformational energy, motivated and inspired is […]
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Get A Life, Before you Croak!
Don’t get a job; Get a life before you Croak! I met with a past client of mine yesterday and he said as he sipped his coffee, ” I finally took your advice and decided to get a life.” I smiled. About a year or two ago I helped him and his partner grow their […]
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Priortities and Mattergaps
Mattergaps & Priorities How often do you find yourself asking what first? What now? What do I say no to? What do I say yes to? Only hours later to find yourself knee deep in urgent matters that aren't necessarily important, at all? In my life working side by side with leaders and creators I […]
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“Your Baby Is Not Beautiful” And other startup advice
photo fishermansdaughter “Your babies not beautiful” and other startup advice…. The other day I hosted an entrepreneur chat led by Todd Dean who is now CEO of Brace Audio. Todd has a resume full of entrepreneurial pursuits, the most recent being founder of Keiretsu Forum, an angel investor forum based in the northwest. I invited […]
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Leader; Conductor; Facilitator
Leadership is about possibility. Leaders unleash possibility as they unleash human potential; theirs and others. Ben and Rosumand Zander's book, The Art of Possibility inspired me years ago and is a book I return to often. Ben Zander is a transformational leader. Transformation. Leadership is about transforming ourselves and others. Leading. I've learned albeit the […]
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Love what you do; DO WHAT YOU LOVE: NOW
@garyvee Twitter: Wine Library DO what you LOVE! If swearing bothers you – don't watch the video. If you want to be inspired; Listen. I Passion. Care. Do what you love; love what you do. This is your one incredible life. How are you investing it? Do you love what you do? Are you using […]
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Failure or Success: You Decide
I often talk about the front side and the back side of an entrepreneur's resume/bio. The back side of your life, resume is the side most of us are least comfortable letting other people see or know. Most of us spend our life presenting the 'front side,' our best side, the successes and home runs of […]
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Show Me The PROBLEM!
Do you love problems? Do you love to turn problems into enterprises or new businesses? If so you are a most likely a problemeur. ( yes another new word for you!) You love problems and you know that Jerry McQuire was wrong; it isn't show me the money ( well not first anyways) it's show me the problem, […]
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Mentally Challenged Business
Mental challenges. I face them daily in my own entrepreneurial journey. The entrepreneur, business owner is a thinker, creator and visionary. Our strength; our intellectual creativity also has it's downside now doesn't it? Being a creative entrepreneur, a visionary is a commitment to living in a place where our reach out distances our grasp. We are in a state of […]
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