Charity Water. Now this is GOOD business.
Did you know that a little over 1.1 billion people live without clean water? (1 in 6 people) And that 80% of all disease in the world is caused by water? Did you know that water changes everything? Do you know about Charity Water and how easy it is for you and I to join […]
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The gift of giving; understanding value.
The other night as I was teaching Business Modeling and Planning to the MBA students at Northwest University. It hit me that value, is an often used term that is not always understood. Entrepreneurship and enterprise is nothing more than the art of identifying problems and opportunities in hopes of developing, capturing and delivering valuable […]
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Voicethreads: Taking community and collaboration in blogging and education to the next level
What Do You Want? Here’s a new tool Lynette Sorenson over at Northwest University shared with me yesterday. It’s called voicethreads and it’s a tool for capturing and holding a group conversation online. Click on the photo to zoom and then scroll with your mouse to move around the photo, click to move back out […]
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Originality: Original By Design
In business and venturing I’m constantly admonishing entrepreneurs to create original, innovative high value business models, not merely creative marketing campaigns and sales tactics. The true secret of business is innovative design of solutions (products and services) to solve highly valued problems. I spend a lot of time creating and designing innovative businesses because business […]
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Who Do You Miss?
Great leaders, partners, friends, family members and lovers let us know how much we are missed. They notice our absence. Our unique, original participation matters to them; deeply. Everyone wants to be missed. Born original and irreplaceable we hunger to be known for the gift we are. Who do you miss? Have you told them? […]
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Cooperation, Community, Collaboration: Coopercommunalation
Coopercommunalation The process of a creating an eco-system of like minded partners to share and integrate resources, currencies and energies for solving specific community, regional, and or international problems. In my never ending pursuit of using words to think differently. I coined a new one. Word that is. Now don’t go rolling your eyes at […]
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“I didn’t mean to”
Intent. Intention is all the rage. Set one and manifest. Affirmations. Visualizations. Clarity. Vision. The end in mind. All of these are tools of creation in life and business. I use them daily, in my own life and with clients. But lately I’ve begun to wonder if sometimes we don’t shrug off responsibility for the […]
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What are your favorite words?
How Can I Help? What if I seek to understand more than to be understood? What if I show up in every encounter intent to help, serve and add value and meaning? What if I take my favorite words, “How can I help?” And make them a soulful mantra I commit to living by? How […]
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I Feel Stupid To Admit It; But I Don’t Know What I Want….
When we don’t know what we want. Being unclear, indecisive, unsure, hesitant, stuck or unmotivated can be frustrating. But don’t buy into the belief that you should be clear. If you aren’t clear – you obviously shouldn’t be! Getting clear is a process and there are plenty of good reasons for being unclear, unsure, indecisive, […]
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The Prison Warden In The Mirror
The Prison Warden In The Mirror We become what we repeatedly do. Being; results from our thoughts and our actions. If you are chained to behaviors, results, thoughts and ways of being that you’re unhappy with, that no longer represent the life you want then it’s time to face the mirror. You my darling, ( […]
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