
Grand Vision

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St. Mark's Cathedral, Seattle, originally uploaded by jacobC. I celebrated Christmas Eve at St. Marks in Seattle. Just sitting in the pew reminded me of a  college trip when studying abroad led me to the famous Notre Dame. I'll never forget the sound of the choir, the majesty of the architecture and the sense of possibility that greeted me that […]

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Hands, originally uploaded by fuloface. As we enter into a time of celebrating ,as families convene my thoughts turn to faith. Funny seems everything I've ever done; athletics, entrepreneurship, business, school, love, spirituality, friendship, parenting…getting out of bed every morning… necessitates quadruple doses of FAITH. Faith. Faith; the ability to believe in that which is yet […]

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What Snow Can Teach Your Business: Listen

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"Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow", originally uploaded by linda yvonne. It's snowing  in Edmonds Washington. Rarely do we get snow at sea level and still rarer is it that we have snow for a week or more. White out. The Cascade Mountains, the railroad tracks, the rocky shore of the Puget […]

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Pam Hoelzle: Seattle Business Consultants

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  Pamelyn Hoelzle  Edmonds, WA 98020; www.pamhope.com c.425.218.5864 pam@pamhope.com     A gifted, entrepreneurial expert Pam Hoelzle has owned service companies grossing $18 M+, (co sales + franchise division) launched startups, owned product and services businesses, sold companies, franchised, hit home runs and struck out. . .   A proven entrepreneur for over 20 years […]

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IF A 73 Year Old Can Play College Basketball-What’s Possible for YOU?

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So if this inspiring 73- year old can play college basketball; what's next for you and me? Thinking about 2009?  Wondering about your goals, objectives? Have some dreams you've discarded? Vision boards you've burned up? Dissapointments you've buried? As Churchill said, 'Never, Ever, Ever, Ever, Ever… Give Up." Read this inspiring story and send me a comment what's possible for […]

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How’s that working for you? Business Strategy; Life Strategy.

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, originally uploaded by Kanaka's Paradise Life. "How's that working for you?" The sarcastic grocery clerk asked from behind. Turning I inquired. 'Huh?" "Your collar; its up in the back ….how's that working for you?" His sarcasm chimed.Smiling I pointed to my eye."Oh I'm sorry." The young man said aghast at my black and blue […]

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Differentiation Executed; Business Growth

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Differentiated Learning, originally uploaded by Spindaka. What makes you different? Lately I've been growing businesses using  Blue Ocean Strategies the revolutionary process presented in the national bestseller Blue Ocean Strategy. Written by two Harvard professors; Kim and Mauborgne this book gets my vote for marketing /business book of the century. Business is the art of executing differentiation in a manner that […]

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Independent or Interdependent?

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Clip from the final video, originally uploaded by Lance Sleuthe   The picture above is from Matt Hardings travels around the world. Matt happens to live in my home town; Seattle . Matt's journey of traveling the world,connecting and dancing with people all over the globe provides a visual example of the difference between independence and interdependence […]

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Change or Die

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Changes, originally uploaded by Ms Ladyred.   Change or Dieā€¦the three keys to change in business and life Alan  Deutschman has written a primer on change which presents a persuasive argument for three keys to change; relating, repeating and re-framing. Since change is everywhere from the Oval office to  Main street these days, what a  perfect time to […]

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In business; what determines when you use the phone, meet in person, skype, email or text and what are your pet peeves in terms of misuses of communication in business?

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on the phone, originally uploaded by SpAvAAi. Today I was sitting across the table from a founder of a fast growing venture I work with when the question was raised; call or email? We were discussing a prospective client who had received a proposal but who was yet to respond or sign the contract. I exhaled instead of assuming I knew […]

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