Lost in Translation, or was that Transition?
Lost in Translation or was that Transition? Many have seen the 2003 film Lost in Translation featuring aging actor (Bill Murray) and recent college-graduate (Scarlett Johansson). The two develop a unique friendship after a chance meeting in a Tokyo hotel. The movie explores themes of loneliness, alienation, insomnia, and culture shock against the backdrop of modern Japan. (Thanks Wikepedia) Many […]
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Charity Water. Now this is GOOD business.
Did you know that a little over 1.1 billion people live without clean water? (1 in 6 people) And that 80% of all disease in the world is caused by water? Did you know that water changes everything? Do you know about Charity Water and how easy it is for you and I to join […]
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What does your check book and calendar say about YOU?
So what does your checkbook and calendar say about you? Does it represent what you value? Believe in? How do your investments of time and resources align with your priorities, beliefs and values? Pam Hoelzle Seattle Business Coach
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Competitive Landscapes & Enhancing Competitive Advantage
Often times people try to explain the competitive landscape. I prefer a visual competitive landscape tool to show your competitive advantage. If you’d like a competitive landscape tool click here and go to my business starter kit, the tool kit for business and click on the attachment titled competitive landscape. Above is a quick page […]
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Is This A Good Business Idea?
How do I know if my idea would make a good business? Last night after teaching the MBA cohort over at Northwest University I was musing over the fact that the entrepreneur has a million tools at their disposal to develop a business plan with but very few tools to vett out their business ideas, […]
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What inspires you, fills you with energy, motivates you? DO IT!
Energy. Motivation. Inspiration. Yes, that’s me hiking this week up at Mt. Si. The woods are one of the places I go to refuel, recreate and get re-energized. You see I get that I’m a spiritual being having a physical experience. The only way I can show up with transformational energy, motivated and inspired is […]
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The gift of giving; understanding value.
The other night as I was teaching Business Modeling and Planning to the MBA students at Northwest University. It hit me that value, is an often used term that is not always understood. Entrepreneurship and enterprise is nothing more than the art of identifying problems and opportunities in hopes of developing, capturing and delivering valuable […]
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Unleash Partnerships
The other day a past client, fellow hiker, skier and lover of the outdoors , Jules Frazier called and asked if I’d be willing to be the “mature woman ” hiker in a sales video she was creating for a local outdoor company. Jules is a visual genius with a camera, video and is a […]
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Creativity Killers
Ideation, Innovation, Creativity. What is the key to living the creative life? I’m not sure I can answer that question but it’s at the heart of what I’m curious about today. The other day in my quiet time I came across a quote by creative wonder Julia Cameron, author of The Artist’s Way. ” A […]
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The Fatal Flaw in Business & Life
I’m continually suprised at how often in the labyrinth of life and venturing I find myself back at a familiar place. So it is with the fatal flaw of business, the fatal flaw of life. My clients and I seem to be repeating this too often, are you? What is the fatal flaw of business? […]
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