How are you investing your time?
Time is a scarce resource. In my earlier years I always believed money was the scarcest of resources and the resource most worthy of my time. Reality is that you and I have several life currencies, resources from our physical and mental health to our finances, assets, experiences, relationships and time. The average 40 hour […]
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All I Really Need To FORGET I Learned In High School!
What do you need to FORGET, that you Learned In High School? Plato said that “All creativity is first an act of destruction.” To unleash something new we have to FORGET or forgo something else. Sometimes life is as much about forgetting something or saying no to an old way of being or believing as […]
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“How Are You? No; REALLY… How Are You?”
How Are You? Really? Last night I was at the Edmonds-Woodway commencement services. One of the student speakers, Anne Yoon shared her personal story of struggling with anorexia. During her speech she challenged her fellow classmates to press into knowing each other. She told her fellow classmates that many times she answered their question of, […]
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I Feel Stupid To Admit It; But I Don’t Know What I Want….
When we don’t know what we want. Being unclear, indecisive, unsure, hesitant, stuck or unmotivated can be frustrating. But don’t buy into the belief that you should be clear. If you aren’t clear – you obviously shouldn’t be! Getting clear is a process and there are plenty of good reasons for being unclear, unsure, indecisive, […]
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Diamond or Road Kill: The value of self and others
What is your self worth based on? How about those around you, how do you determine the value of others? Some would say a persons value is a direct reflection of their impact and effect on others. Arguing that human value, self worth is an addition and subtraction equation that is dependent on others subjective […]
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Where Do You Spend Your Time? Future Tripping, Memory Lane or in the Power of NOW?
Do you spend your time future tripping, rewinding through memory lane or here NOW- living your values and beliefs? Ambition and an insatiable, unhealthy desire to prove myself has informed most of my life investments. Somewhere along the journey I bought into the lie, that I needed to prove my self. That I was either […]
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Relationship Rescue: Drop YOUR Baggage
What if you are the baggage? I mean what happens when you become your own worse relationship enemy? Sinking your own relationship’s? What happens when you repeat the same thing over and over in your relationships? Relationship insanity, of course. YOU, not anyone else is your relationship baggage. You don’t need anyone to rescue your relationships. […]
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Are you eating the breakfast of champions; feedback? Or are you suffering from feedback indigestion or just feedback intolerant?
Feedback It’s the Breakfast of Champions. Yesterday I got some feedback. It wasn’t the feedback I wanted. It came in the form of a four line email from a literary agent. It was short and sweet, “We do not feel we are the right agency to represent your manuscript.” As I stared at the email […]
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Your Words Mean Little When Your Actions Are Screaming So Loudly: Personal Integrity
It really doesn’t matter what BP say’s does, it? The truth is seeping onto our shores and killing our wildlife. The other day I posted the statement, ‘Your words mean little when your actions are screaming so loudly” on Facebook and was surprised by the amount of responses. It struck a chord with my friends. […]
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When the Jukebox Within Needs to be Upgraded.
Does your life Jukebox Need an Upgrade? Mattergaps. I coined the word as a way of describing the difference between what we want and what we have in the important area of our lives. I work in the ‘gap.’ I love the gap. The gap is where possibility exists. In the gap we lust for […]
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