The Lie of Security
photo by Dustiney Perkins “Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.” Helen Keller I’m reading True Spirit the […]
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The Trouble With Us Entrepreneurs…Leaders
Almost all my friends are entrepreneurs, leaders or creative ragmuffins. I hang with people who create and grow things because they can NOT, not create. I teach, muse, consult, confront, coach and encourage leaders, entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs in training…And of course, I have the disease myself… So I know what the trouble with us entrpreneurs […]
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Old Stories…
There was that time when….And then there was….And I remember when….Of course there was the time when HE ….And then when SHE… Stories. Enertaining to watch and listen to. Polarizing, suffocating, restrictive when they define us and others. When they morph into false beliefs, labels and chains that imprison us to the past. What […]
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What I’m learning; NOW
Photo by By mariachily on Flickr So I’ve been up to my arm pits in a new venture and I haven’t been writing. That’s a problem for me because writing is one of the ways I confirm what I’m learning and it keeps me from staring at my wrinkles in the mirror and micro-managing my son. I have […]
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Pride Goes Before The Fall
The most common reason I’ve failed? I’ve assumed I knew things I didn’t. I grew projects and teams without the right people. I talked instead of listened. I told instead of asked. Pride goes before the fall. And you? Leaders. Entrepreneurs; we are falling all over the place. And there’s nothing wrong with falling down, […]
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How NOT to lead, love, parent or manage US creative types…
photo by Mykl Roventine How NOT to lead, love, parent or manage US creative types…. NOT. You do not lead, love, parent or manage creative souls like you do non-creative types. I’m a creative type. I’ve been led, managed, loved and parented to color inside the lines and get in the box I was provided. […]
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Don’t Hang Curtains Before You Frame The Walls
So you’re building something. photo By TinCan Studio In the middle of creating something important. Photo byBy superhua And you’re more than ready to be there, DONE, aRRIVED. Finished.photo By Wildcat Dunny So lately you’ve been cheating father (why do we think it’s a man?) time a bit, have you? You’ve crossed off tasks and forgone checks […]
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Between a Rock and A Hard Spot
Photo By mariachil Between a Rock and A Hard Spot I went to the movie 127 hours this weekend. WOW. And I went alone so instead of squeezing someone’s hand I just clamped my eyelids down as tight as possible in the difficult moments of the movie… Between a rock and a hard spot. I’ve been there. […]
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Getting Back Up
photo By Evil Erin Getting Back Up. I think I might just have my PhD in falling down. Not the slight mis-step, trip kind but rather the flat on my face, or back, could the ground just open up and swallow me type. Down for the count. (And by the way I am so getting a […]
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I Would Have Made A Terrible Farmer: Patience
photo by By donjd2 Perseverance & Patience These twins have been dogging me for nearly a decade. Can you hear me squirming? I would have made a terrible farmer, absolutely intolerant of those early shoots and their mere half inch growth status. Cajoling them to grow faster, be fruitful and multiply. I can just hear myself […]
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