Keeping It Real
Keeping It Real “How are you?” Fine she answered as she wiped her leaky eyes dry. “Are you sure?” “Yeah.” She whispered. How many times have I been the character above? Blind to truth. Deaf to reality? Mine and others?Acting as if, “See no evil, hear no evil” is some sort of excuse for […]
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Leaves or Grapes?
Leaves or Grapes. The young man admired the vineyard foliage. “It’s so green, so thick, it’s amazing!” The vine-dresser smiled as she picked up the vine and began cutting. “What are you doing?” The old woman looked across the top of her glasses at the young man, “This wood.” she pointed. “These leaves.” She frowned. […]
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Life is Like A Box Of Chocolates
“My Momma always told me life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get…” Choices. The other day on Face Book I posted the question, “How do you get the chocolate you want when you have an entire box to choose from?” I mean how do you choose? If […]
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Went out for Coffee; Came back with a Miracle
Yesterday was my first day back from vacation. To ease back into real life I started my day with a walk to Caffe Ladro in Kirkland, ordered my grande, triple shot, rice latte and headed for the stairs. Yes. The stairs. I go there when I need a heart raising workout. And I always go there […]
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What inspires you, fills you with energy, motivates you? DO IT!
Energy. Motivation. Inspiration. Yes, that’s me hiking this week up at Mt. Si. The woods are one of the places I go to refuel, recreate and get re-energized. You see I get that I’m a spiritual being having a physical experience. The only way I can show up with transformational energy, motivated and inspired is […]
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The gift of giving; understanding value.
The other night as I was teaching Business Modeling and Planning to the MBA students at Northwest University. It hit me that value, is an often used term that is not always understood. Entrepreneurship and enterprise is nothing more than the art of identifying problems and opportunities in hopes of developing, capturing and delivering valuable […]
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Creativity Killers
Ideation, Innovation, Creativity. What is the key to living the creative life? I’m not sure I can answer that question but it’s at the heart of what I’m curious about today. The other day in my quiet time I came across a quote by creative wonder Julia Cameron, author of The Artist’s Way. ” A […]
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Addicted to More? When is ‘less’ More?
They had been in business for years. Over the years life sped up. They were insanely busy. Meetings, flights, project due dates. The work was exhilarating, it put them in the zone. They loved it and now they were starting to hate it. It had taken over their lives. It was their life. “We’ve got […]
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Originality: Original By Design
In business and venturing I’m constantly admonishing entrepreneurs to create original, innovative high value business models, not merely creative marketing campaigns and sales tactics. The true secret of business is innovative design of solutions (products and services) to solve highly valued problems. I spend a lot of time creating and designing innovative businesses because business […]
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Who Do You Miss?
Great leaders, partners, friends, family members and lovers let us know how much we are missed. They notice our absence. Our unique, original participation matters to them; deeply. Everyone wants to be missed. Born original and irreplaceable we hunger to be known for the gift we are. Who do you miss? Have you told them? […]
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